Name That Poetic Device
Which Type of Poem Am I?
Which Sense Does This Imagery Appeal To?
Poetical Structure
Poetic Vocabulary
My hair is like the bark of a tree. My eyes are blue like a calm ocean. My teeth are as white as the winter snow.
The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on.
Free Verse
The autumn change Brings out the range Of colors bright and bold A dying flicker of shiny gold Before the hue is dead Out springs Indian red A scarlet so serene Overcome by olive green When the molten colors turn over The time is now October Orange speckles to the ground With traces of hickory brown Colors so simple yet also strange Reflect the mystery of the season's change
Groups of lines that give a poem its form
Words that sound like the noises they describe
Her hands were spiders on the blanket. Her eyes were dark pools in her pale face. The sun was a bright new penny shining in the sky.
The lizard is a timid thing That cannot dance or fly or sing; He hunts for bugs beneath the floor And longs to be a dinosaur.
Rhyming Poetry
Crack! Crack! The fire crackles under the stars. Sizzle! Sizzle! The water sizzles above the fire. Crunch! Crunch! The campers crunching on potato chips. Click! Clack! Click! Clack! The tent poles clicking and clacking together. Rustle! Rustle! As we prepare our sleeping bags to go to sleep. Chirp! Chirp! The crickets say, “good-night”.
The place were a line ends
Line Break
The repetition of the beginning consonant sound in words that are close together
Three grey geese in a green field grazing Grey were the geese and green was the grazing.
An old silent pond... A frog jumps into the pond, splash! Silence again.
I have eaten the plums that were in the ice box and which you. were probably saving for breakfast. forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold
The pattern of rhyming words in a poem usually illustrated using letters of the alphabet (ex: ABAB)
Rhyme Scheme
Comparing two different things using “like” or “as”
Rumble! Rumble! The thunder roars. Drip! Drip! The rain comes down. Boom! Boom! The thunder shakes the window panes. Run to the car! Run to the car! Splash! Splash! To Grandma’s we go For hot cocoa. Zoom! Zoom!
Stadium overcrowded by hooligans and fans Cheering, waving flags, and clapping their hands Players on the field, they’re ready to start There goes the whistle; it pumps up their hearts Adding strength to the ball, and kicking it high The ball travels overhead, how beautiful it can fly Over center field, and still it goes strong Pass received with ease, and the player runs long There he goes, for his opponent’s goal He dribbles through each player; he’s on a roll He takes the shot, and curves it by The keeper dives for it, far and high The goalie misses it; the ball’s in the net There’s a moment of silence, and no regrets
Narrative Poetry
The salt smell of the ocean that smells so good all the way from the town the wind and waves blow your hair the salty sand swoops from the air the sun beating down the windy smell that blows to my nose the fishy smell that winds through the air the salt smell of the ocean
The area between stanzas that separates poems into groups of lines.
White space
Comparing two different things without using “like” or “as”
Comparing two different things without using “like” or “as”
The teapot sang as the water boiled The ice cubes cackled in their glass the teacups chattered to one another. While the chairs were passing gas The gravy gurgled merrily As the oil danced in a pan. Oh my dinnertime chorus What a lovely, lovely clan!
My country 'tis of thee sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing: land where my father's died land of the pilgrims pride from every mountainside let freedom ring!
Lyrical Poetry
I walked on the beach, I looked up at the sky and saw the sun with her golden hair. She smiles at me with her beautiful shining teeth All I can do is grin As I'm swimming in the ocean she make sure that she is as bright as ever As I lie down on my towel, she keeps me toasty warm The day is over and she kisses me goodbye on the cheek with her burning lips
The pattern of stressed and unstressed words that help a poem flow
Meter or rhythm
Giving human characteristics to things that are not human