What is a haiku?
A poem with 5, 7, 5 syllables (three lines)
"Taking candy from a baby." Why is this Idiom being used?
Because it's easy to take candy from a baby.
What is this rhyme scheme;
I walk in the grass
and when i pass
a little tiny bee
it feels good to be me.
A, A, B, B
What is this type of figurative language; I HAVE TOLD YOU A MILLION TIMES.
What is one segment of words in a poem.
What is a Free Verse?
It doesn't rhyme.
What does a Personification compare?
What is this rhyme scheme?
Im so happy
im so sad
Im so racky
with my dad
A, B, A, B
What is this figurtive langauage? wesslies weat is the worst weat in the world
What is a paragraph in a poem?
What is a Golden Shovel Poem?
The last word of a line form together to make a message.
Whats different between simile and Metaphor?
One has like or as and the other doesn't.
What is this Rhyme scheme?
This day is so fun
But sadly its almost over
The best day is today
And i scream hooray!
And as the night approaches I loafer.
A, B, C, C, B
What type of figurative language is this; KABOOM!
The building breaks down into little fragments of dust.
What is it called when two or more words end with a similar sound?
What is Narrative?
A poem meant to tell a story that is not a ballad or an epic.
Whats the difference between Onomatopoeia and Aliteration?
One uses sound effects and the other is using repetition of consonant sound at the beginning of words.
What is a Sonnet?
How do we describe rhyme schemes?
In a A B pattern
What is the purpose of a Ballad?
Its meant to show an exciting episode with dramatic features.
What is the main source of Comparison
The use of metaphors and similes.
What is Limerick?
A form of light verse which is always 5 lines long. The first, second and fifth lines rhyme and contain three strong beats. The third and fourth lines rhyme and have only two strong beats.
True or False was the first Hyperbole used in the 1400's