Moan like an autumn wind high in the lonesome treetops
What is Simile
Details that appeal to the five senses
What is sensory details
groups of lines that divide poetry; it is sometimes possible to determine the type of poem by the ________ type
What are stanzas
"And summer's lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines"
What is "Shall I Compare thee to a summer's day?" by William Shakespeare
14 line poem usually written in iambic pentameter
What is a sonnet
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players
They have their exits and their entrances
What is a metaphor
The time and place in which a literary work occurs
What is setting
poetry free from regular rhyme, meter, or stanza division
What is Free verse
I sit on the porch facing the mountains. The porch is airy and spacious. I am the only person sitting on the porch. I look at myself. I can see myself.
What is "Holiday's" by Jamaica Kincaid
a poem intended to honor or praise someone or something
What is an ode
if I were to stand
with roots in the ground
like a flower
would my life bloom out
in the color I was born with?
What is a symbol
A pattern of end rhymes (example abab)
What is rhyme scheme
expresses the emotions of a speaker and tends to be musical in style.
What is a lyric poem
Ideals are like the stars,
Always above our reach.
Humbly I tried to learn,
More humbly did I teach.
What is "Teacher" by Langston Hughes
the emotional association of a word in addition to its literal meaning
What is connotation
The bag weighed a ton
What is Hyperbole
A work in which characters, events, or settings symbolize, or represent something else
What is Allegory
a passage that makes such extensive use of poetic language that the line between _______ and poetry is blurred.
What is a Prose Poem
The woods are lovely, dark and deep
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
What is "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost
In "Jazz Fantasia" hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo- is an example of
What is Onomatopoeia
the use of words that sound like the things to which they refer
Hey diddle, Diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed
To see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon
What is Personification
The emotion created in the reader by all or part of the work
What is Mood
A traditional Japanese poem consisting of five lines, with five syllables in the other lines, for a total syllable count of thirty-one.