Literary Tools
Types of Poetry
Sound Devices

Definition of a comparison using like or as

What is a simile?


Name the type of poem that avoids use of regular rhyme, rhythm, meter or division into stanzas.

What is a free verse poem?


Which poem does this line: "we loved with a love that was more than love" come from? 

What is "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe


A group of lines in a poem.

What is a stanza?


"Boom," "Kerplunk" and "Vroom" are examples of...

What is onomatopoeia?


Definition of a figure of speech in which an idea, animal, or things is described as if it were a person. Give an example.

What is personification?


This type of poem utilizes rhyme scheme and can sound like a song, but is not considered a sonnet. 

What is a lyric poem?


This poem was set in winter and revolves around a man on journey who still has "miles to go before he sleeps." 

What is "Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening?"


The names of a four-lined stanza and a two-lined stanza

What are "quatrain" and "couplet?"


"The rain on the windows were weeping down" is an example of...

What is alliteration?


Name 3 different literary tools used in poetry that start with an "R".

What is a run on line, rhythm, repetition, rhyme scheme and/or rhyme?


The difference between a narrative poem and an elegiac lyric poem.

What is a verse that tells a story is a narrative poem and an elegiac lyric poem expresses a speaker's feeling of loss


In the poem "The Road Not Taken," what symbol does Robert Frost use to convey the theme of decision making? 

What are the "two roads diverged in a yellow wood?" 


Name a free verse poem read in class. 

What is (options) "O Captain, My Captain," "Wishing Well," or "Under the Brine?"


The difference between consonance and assonance

What is the repetition of consonant and vowel sounds? 


Language that appeals to the senses and creates a visual in the readers' mind. 

What is imagery?


Poem where the words are arranged to create a picture that relates to the content of the poem. 

What is a concrete poem? 


Who is the "captain" in Walt Whitman's poem, "O Captain, My Captain!" 

Who is President Abraham Lincoln?


What is the rhyme scheme of the following lines? 

"We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,—
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,"

What is aabb?


A sound, word, or phrase that is repeated regularly in a poem. 

What is refrain?


The definition of allusion.

*A bonus three points if you can name the 3 subcategories of allusions that Ms. Bulzone went over. 

What is "a reference to something notable or famous?"

What are the subcategories "historical allusion, mythological allusion, or literary allusion?"


Name the fourteen-line poem that follows one of a number of different rhyme schemes and state the rhyme scheme.

What is a sonnet? What is ABABCDCDEFEFGG?


The following lines come from which poem?

"Beneath, in the churchyard, lay the dead,
In their night-encampment on the hill,
 Wrapped in silence so deep and still
That he could hear, like a sentinel’s tread" 

What is "Paul Revere's Ride" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow?


Name the one narrative poem read in class.

What is "Paul Revere's Ride?"


The type of rhythm that features one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable and is repeated five times in a line of poetry. 

For example, 

"Cowards die many times before their deaths." 

What is iambic pentameter?