Departments & POC Tests
Urine & Blood Tests
Vision/ Hearing/ Respiratory Tests
Lab Test Values

What does CLIA stand for?

What is Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments 


Define "occult"

What is hidden


What is "Chain of Custody"

What is the legal documents signed for the order or transportation of specimens 


What is a scratch test?

What is an allergy test done on either forearm or upper back

Reference ranges for Hemoglobin testing for male and female is?

What is 

male: 13.5 to 17.5 g/dL 

female: 12 to 16 g/dL


What is CLIA waived mean? 

What is easily performed in office, considered easiest test performed, or ambulatory care & lowest level of complexity

List 4 non- blood specimens

What is random urine, first morning specimen, clean-catch midstream, 24-hour sample, fecal occult blood specimens

List the common testing errors 

What is improper instructions for collecting clean-catch urine samples and lack of patient adherence


What is color vision testing?

What is a test done to identify color blindness. The most common test completed is the red-green deficiency. 


List 3 CBC , Hematology, or blood specimen ranges

What is 

CBC: white bcc is 4,500 to 1,1000/mm3

Hematology: platelet count is 150,000 to 400,000/mm3

Blood specimen: mcv is a value score of 80-95


List 3 departments within clinical laboratory

What is urinalysis, hematology, chemistry, microbiology, cytology, or blood bank


What is information that must be provided to patients about 24 hour urine screenings? 

What is must discard the first morning urine on day one, and urine must be kept refrigerated


What should you do with critical values? 

What is ensure accuracy by repeating test results back to laboratory, after getting information notify provider immediately 

What is Spirometry/ PFTs and what do they measure?

What is they detect the lungs ability to function and measure how "fast" and how much 


What is the the in range glucose levels?

What is 70 to 100 mg/dL (fasting) 


Define "Point- of- care testing"

What is CLIA waived tests that are performed in office or bedside

What is important to know about FOBT testing?

What is patients should avoid red meats, dyes, Aspirin, Vitamin C, and Iron supplements for 3 days prior to testing


Describe preanalytical phase 

What is provider orders a test, a written or electronic requisition is completed, specimen is collected, labeled and processed, then transported to lab


What are some pretest preparation for spirometry?

What is no large meals 2 hours before, no smoking 1 hour before, no bronchodilators or breathing treatments 6 hours before testing

What is the total chemistry in range level? 

What is 130 to 200 mg/dL 


List 5 POC tests

What is rapid strep, dipstick urinalysis, hemoglobin, spun hematocrit, blood glucose, nasal swab specimen, fecal occult blood test, etc. 


Why is proper processing and transportation important?

What is to avoid patient sample mixup and avoid going back for more samples

What are errors that can affect the results of a test?

What is inappropriate test request, order entry error, misidentification of patient, wrong container, wrong label, bad sample, bad sample/ anticoagulation ratio


List 3 expected values of PFTs

What is FEV1 80-120%, FVC 80-120%, TLC 80-120%, FRC 75-120%, or RV 75-120%


List 4 tests included in CBC, Hematology, and Blood specimen

What is WBC, RBC, Platelet count, Granulocyte ratio, Hgb, Hct, MCV