
My parents allow my brother to come home any time he likes because they know he is very ___________.

A. sympathetic

B. responsible

C. self-confident

D. sensitive

B. responsible


Melanie is very___________ and not afraid of meeting new people.

A. patient

B. cheeky

C. self-confident

D. childish

C. self-confident


David is so_______________ that you can never trust him to do what he says he’s going to do.

A. unreliable

B. organised

C. critical

D. caring

A. unreliable


Pascale is very____________, so she’s bound to finish her part of the project on time.

A. cheeky

B. irritating

C. hard-working

D. energetic

C. hard-working


I wouldn’t have criticised you if I had known how _____________ you were!

A. mature

B. cooperative

C. energetic

D. sensitive

D. sensitive


Could you _____________ me a favour and let me copy your notes from the last class?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do.



Helen is very young, but she behaves in a _____________ and responsible way.

A. mature

B. cooperative

C. critical

D. childish

A. mature


I’ll _________ the shopping on my way home this evening.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do.



We phoned the police because our neighbours were _______________ too much noise.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do.



Do you mind if I use your phone? I’ve got to _________ an urgent phone call.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do.



Marco has ______________ a big effort with his students, so I’m afraid he’s a bit disappointed with their results.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do.



If you can’t_____________, no one will ever trust you.

A. have a go

B. keep a promise

C. take part in

D. take risks

B. keep a promise


My mum’s ____________ an English course in the evenings, and I sometimes help her with her homework.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do.



Sarah wasn’t enjoying the party, so she ______________ an excuse and left.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do.



I thought learning Italian would be difficult, but when I moved to Bologna, I soon ____________ it_________

A. taken/up

B. turned/up

C. picked/up

D. set/up

C. picked/up


I just don’t like_____________, so I’d never get a motorbike.

A. having a go

B. getting used to

C. taking part in

D. taking risks

D. taking risks


We _______________ a 10 km run at the weekend, to raise money for the local hospital.

A. took off

B. took up

C. took part in

D. took risks

C. took part in


We’ll need to_______________ the new internet streaming service – I’ve heard it’s much better than the others but I want to see it for myself before I pay for it.

A. try out

B. work out

C. chill out

D. fall out with

A. try out


I can’t work out how to solve this maths problem; would you like to ____________ and see if you can do it?

A. get used to

B. take risks

C. turn up

D. have a go

D. have a go


Mario is thinking of ______________jogging, as he doesn’t feel he’s getting enough exercise.

A. having a go

B. taking up

C. taking part in

D. taking risks

B. taking up


I don’t feel like doing much this weekend. I think that I’ll just __________ around the house.

A. set off

B. look out for

C. chill out

D. hit it off

C. chill out


I can see the family resemblance. You’ve got your father’s eyes – you really _____________him, don’t you?

A. look back at

B. hit off

C. look out for

D. take after

D. take after


Why are you standing by the window? – I’m _______________ the delivery person. I’m expecting an important package today.

A. looking out for

B. looking back at

C. looking up to

D. looking after

A. looking out for


It’s Toby’s birthday nextweek. We need to _____________ some ideas for a present.

A. hit off

B. look out for

C. rely/depend on

D. come up with

D. come up with


I must apologise to my sister. We ______________ over something really small and had a massive argument. I hope she’ll forgive me.

A. tried out

B. worked out

C. chilled out

D. fell out

D. fell out