What is the first ever episode in Pokemon ever
What is "Pokemon, I choose you"
When it is angered, it immediately discharges the energy stored in the pouches in its cheeks.
What is Pikachu
What are the two newest video games
What is Scarlet and violet
What was Pokemon originally called
What is Pocket monsters
What is Pokemon number 1
What is Bulbasaur
What is the first Pokemon Ash ever caught
What is Caterpie
If ______ becomes truly angered, the flame at the tip of its tail burns in a light blue shade.
What is Charizard
Who are the box legendaries from Gen VII
What is Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, And Lunala
Who created pokemon
What is Satoshi Tajiri
What is Pokemon number 25
What is Pikachu
What is the newest Pokemon movie
What is Legends Arceus
When viewed through a microscope, this Pokémon’s short, fine, delicate hair can be seen.
What is Mew
What is the newest DLC
What is Indigo Disk
Who is the actor of Pikachu in Detective Pikachu
What is Ryan Reynolds
What is Pokemon number 1000
What is Gholdengo
How does ash pronounce Arceus
Its body seems to be made up of 1,000 coins. This Pokémon gets along well with others and is quick to make friends with anybody.
What is Gholdengo
Which Pokemon game has the most Pokemon in it
What is Pokemon Go
How many Pokemon have Ash let go
What is 20
What is Pokemon number 1025
What is Pechurent
Who is Nidothing real identity in horizons
What is Dot
Displaying exceptional mobility, it weaves between trees and shoots down bird Pokémon with its electromagnetic beams.
What is Vikavolt
How many Pokemon are in Pokemon Go
What is 885
What is the rarest pokeball
What is the Cherish Ball
What is Pokemon number 243
What is Raikou