This is the only mainline pokemon game to reference the anime. (Lets go doesn't count)
What is Pokemon Yellow?
This is the only pokemon game that has won an award at The Game Awards.
What is Pokemon GO?
In Pokemon Infinite Fusion, this is the first fused legendary you see.
What is ZapMolCuno?
This trainer is widely regarded as the hardest non-postgame battle in any pokemon game pre gen 8.
Who is Cynthia?
"Stories go that it grabs the hands of small children and drags them away to the afterlife. It dislikes heavy children."
Name a mythical pokemon from at least 6 DIFFERENT generations.
Jirachi, Deoxys
Darkrai, Shaymin, Phione, Manaphy, Arceus
Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect
Hoopa, volcanion, Diancie
Meltan, Melmetal, Marshadow, Megearna, Zeraora
These are the only cards that were in both mythical island and genetic apex but are not from gen 1.
What are Salandit and Salazzle?
In Pokerogue, these are the two names of the rival.
Who are Ivy and Finn?
In Johto, this is the most well known trainer, bearing the iconic line of, "My rattata is in the top percentage of all rattata!"
"It uses its tongue much more skillfully than its hands or its feet. It can deftly pick up a single bean with its tongue."
What is Lickilicky?
This mainline pokemon game sold the least copies out of any.
What is Pokemon Crystal?
A famous politician once said this at a rally of theirs.
What is "Pokemon GO to the polls"?
In Pokemon Infinite Fusion, this is the final trainer you fight in the postgame.
Who is Gold?
In Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, this trainer uses 7 pokemon, being the first to use more than 6 and only followed by Volo in PLA.
Who is Ghetsis?
What is Archeops?
There are three pokeball variants that guarantee capture. Name two.
Master Ball
Origin Ball
Park Ball
This is the pokemon side game that sold the most copies.
In Pokerogue, these are the floors that the first three rival battles occur on.
What are floors 8, 25 and 55?
This trainer is most known for being the first rival in a mainline game to capture a legendary pokemon.
Who is N?
What is Garbodor?
Name the exact amount of pokemon from at least 4 generations.
This is the most expensive pokemon game.
What is Pokemon Box?
In Pokemon Emerald Rogue, the final boss can be any of these three trainers.
Who is Red/Professor Oak/Steven?
Name every Elite Four member from Hoenn and at least one of their teams.
Sidney - Cacturne, Mightyena, Absol, Shiftry & Crawdaunt
Phoebe - 2 Duskclops, 2 Banette, Sableye
Glacia - 2 Glalie, Walrein, 2 Sealeo
Drake - Shelgon, Kingdra, Altaria, Flygon, Salamence.
"Whether or not it's a pokemon from this world is a mystery. When it's in a jam, it warps to a safe place to hide."
What is Cosmog?