This type is only weak to 2 types, one of them being itself
What is Dragon
This pokemon is the first and only shiny I've ever encountered
The episode "Bye Bye", this pokemon made me weep as a child
What is Butterfree
What is Gen 4 (Sinnoh)
This spinoff game revolves around battling in a more immersive way than in the main series
This single typing is the rarest with only 58 representatives
What is Ice
I have a stuffed plushie of this Pokemon on my bed
Who is Squirtle
Pikachu saves Ash from what in the start of their journey
What is a flock of spearow
Dewford, Slateport, Mauville
What is Gen 3 (Hoenn)
In this pokemon spinoff, the player is tasked with photographing various species of pokemon
What is Pokemon Snap
Eevee has this many eeveelutions
What is eight
This pokemon is my favorite middle evolution; although it used to be it's final
What is Magneton
What is 22
Pewter City, Saffron City, Fuchsia City
What is Gen 1 (Kanto)
Pikachu is voiced by this actor in the Detective Pikachu movie
Who is Ryan Reynolds
This type combination is actually one of the most common, and features one of the types in every starter selection
What is Grass/Ghost
This gym leader has historically given me the most trouble in defeating them
Who is Elesa
This gym leader joins Ash on his quest in Pokemon: The Series Black and White; they don't use Dragon types
Who is Cilan
Anistar City, Coumarine City, Laverre City
What is Gen 6 (Kalos)
Pokemon first made an appearance in the Smash Bros franchise in this installment
What is Super Smash Bros
This legendary fighting trio are known as the "swords of justice"
Who are Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion
This is what I name my Snivy in every playthrough of Black, White, or their sequels
What is Snivers
Misty's sisters, Daisy, Violet, and Lily, formed a group that acts as their towns gym leaders called this
Who are the Sensational Sisters
What is Gen 7 (Alola)
This Pokemon Mystery Dungeon installment was my first and only version of the game, where players get to play as the Gen 5 starters
What is Gates to Infinity