between lillie teleporting away and the first cutscene after the title card, how much time has past in game
three months
what is unique about this era
first time ash isn't travelling around one region
how old is lusamine said to be
over 40
what unique z move do all the tapus share
guardian of aloha
how many episodes was ash vs kukui
what does lillie call her new outfit
her z powered form
what is the title of stouland's death episode in english
One Journey Ends, Another Begins
who takes over the ather foundation at the end of sun and moon
what ghost pokemon has three immunities and what are they
dragon, normal, fighting
in the anime, whoses khauna ceramony do we see on screen
when were ultra sun and ultra moon announced, what date
june 6 2017
How does kukui purpose to burnett
uses a pokeball and said "I choose you"
what is the name of the anime exclusive team
ultra guardians
what is aloan ninetails's pokedex entry in moon
Possessing a calm demeanor, this Pokémon was revered as a deity incarnate before it was identified as a regional variant of Ninetales.
which is the only elite four member to not travel between games
what was introduced in these games
regional forms
what move won ash the league
tapu kuko and mimyku
at what level do the tapus learn the signature move natures madness
Which of the character's parents in the anime was confirmed to be dead and why did they want to see them again
Mallow's mother and she wanted to apologise for saying she hated her
in text why didn't nanu become an elite four member
he didn't want to become one just because some guy asked him too.
what major event happens right at the end of the series
Burrnet is pregenet
How is kukui revealed as the masked royal
his mask gets destory during a battle with guzlord
what is the base state total of ultra necrozma
According to the trivia on bulbapedia, what happened after the stouland episode aired.
This episode inspired Sarah Natochenny and Lisa Ortiz, the English voice actresses of Ash and his Litten, respectively, to start an animal welfare organization known as Voices for Fosters.