Who was the American VA for Ash Ketchum
Veronica Taylor
How many cards are in a standard deck?
In Pokemon Snap, the player takes pictures for Professor Oak for rating. What is the name of the photographer?
When this POKéMON sings, it never pauses to breathe. If it is in a battle against an opponent that does not easily fall asleep, this Pokemon cannot breathe, endangering its life.
What is the Pokemon that is recurring in Pokemon by Daylight?
What Pokemon Series did Ash have 2 female companions?
Pokemon X and Y
What year was the Pokemon Trading Card Game released in Japan
What is the only Pokemon game where you meet your father?
Ruby/Sapphire and Emerald
This Pokémon has the habit of hugging its companions. Many Trainers have left this world after their spines were squashed by its hug.
What Generation was Fairy Type Pokemon introduced?
Generation 6
What Pokemon Series did Team Rocket appear in every episode?
Diamond and Pearl
What Pokemon card has the move "Eeeeeeek"
What was the name of the first Pokemon games released in Japan?
Pokemon Red and Green
Deep in the night, your shadow cast by a streetlight may suddenly overtake you. It is actually THIS POKEMON running past you, pretending to be your shadow.
This is the only type not represented by a gym leader?
What are the 3 Pokemon that did not listen to ash in the Kanto series of Pokemon?
Pikachu, Charizard, and Primeape
Can you name the floral Pokemon with this flavor text? "[This Pokemon] picks flowers with its vine and decorates itself with them. For some reason, flowers won't wither once they're attached to a [This Pokemon]."
Including spinoff series and core games, re-releases and ports, which video game system has the most Pokémon titles available to play?
The Nintendo 3DS
12 main games and 15 spin offs
The fate of the ships and crew that wander into this Water Ghost type Pokemon habitat: all sunken, all lost, all vanished.
This is the first Pokemon in Pokedex order to contain another Pokemon name?
What is the name of the Pokemon episode that is banned due to causing 685 children to have seizure like symptoms?
Cyber Soldier Porygon
What Pokemon card has the move "everyone explode now"
Where else could you capture Pokemon using the fishing rod that was not in the water in Pokemon Red and Blue?
The Rhydon Statues in the gym
After a lost child perished in the forest, their spirit possessed a tree stump, causing the spirit’s rebirth as this Pokémon.
How many total mega evolutions are there as of generation 6