Type: Fighting
Category: Special
Power: 120
Accuracy: 70
10% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage. Infamous for always missing.
Focus Blast
If the holder is below 50% HP, consume the item and restore 25% HP.
Sitrus Berry
Gen 2 Water starter
When a Pokémon with this ability enters the battle, it lowers the attack stat of all adjacent opponents by one stage.
How many Pokemon in the first generation?
Type: Normal
Category: Physical
+3 Priority and flinches the target.
Fake Out
Boosts the damage dealt by the holder's damaging moves by 30%, but the holder loses 10% max HP after landing a damaging move.
Life Orb
Gen 3 Pseudo-Legendary
Salamence, Metagross
Ability user is immune against damaging moves that are not super effective.
Wonder Guard
Excluding Normal, what is the type with the least resistances?
Type: Electric
Accuracy: 100
Paralyzes the target.
Raises the holder's Special Defense by 50%, but also prevents the holder from selecting any status moves.
Assault Vest
Regi with the highest HP
Prevents all adjacent opponents from switching out while the Pokémon with this Ability is on the field. However, Ghost types are immune to this effect
Shadow Tag
What does the signature ability "Unseen Fist" do?
Ignore protection moves (when using contact moves)
Category: Status
Requires a charging turn.
Immediately switches out the holder when its stats are lowered.
Eject Pack
Paradox form of Cobalion
Iron Crown
Boosts the Speed stat if the Pokémon's held item is used or lost.
Name 4 Elite Four members that are not in the Gen 1 (R/B/Y) Elite Four.
Will, Koga, Karen, Sidney, Phoebe, Glacia, Drake, Aaron, Bertha, Flint, Lucian, Shauntal, Marshal, Grimsley, Caitlin, Malva, Siebold, Wikstrom, Drasna, Hala, Olivia, Acerola, Kahili, Molayne, Rika, Poppy, Larry, Hassel, Crispin, Amarys, Lacey, Drayton
The user executes a move that is randomly selected from all the eligible moves known by other Pokémon in the same party.
Boosts the power of a move that's used repeatedly. Once the chain is broken, the move's power returns to normal.
Alternate forme with an Attack stat 145 points greater than its Sp. Attack stat
Mega Heracross
Raises either the Attack stat or Special Attack stat by one stage depending on the foe's currently lowest defensive stat: it will raise Attack if the foe's current Defense is lower than its current Special Defense stat; otherwise, it will raise Special Attack.
What is the BST of the Pokemon with the highest BST? (+/- 25)
Name the Pokemon for 100 bonus points.
1125 (Eternamax Eternatus)