Who's That 151 Pokémon?
English Sets
Just My Type

A type of Poké Ball introduced in Generation I. It is an improved variant of the Great Ball that can be used to catch wild Pokémon.

What is an Ultra Ball?


Switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon with their Active Pokémon

What is Bosses Orders?


A scientist created this Pokemon after years of horrific genesplicing and DNA engineering experiments.

What is Mewtwo?


The final set of Sword and Shield.

What is Crown Zenith?


This ground and steel type pokemon first appeared in generation two.

What is Steelix?


It can be used to catch a wild Pokémon without fail. It was invented by the Silph Co.

What is a Masterball?


Search your deck for up to 2 Basic Pokémon with 70 HP or lower and put them onto your Bench. Then, shuffle your deck.

What is Buddy  Buddy Poffin?


Its long tail serves as a ground to protect itself from its own high-voltage power.

What is Raichu?


The small set based on a movie during Sun and Moon era.

What is Detective Pikachu?


the only Fire and Steel-type Pokemon

What is Heatran?


Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that are the opposite gender of your Pokémon.

What is a Love Ball?


Discard 1 other card from your hand in order to use this card. Search your deck for up to 2 Basic Energy, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.

What is Earthen Vessel?


Its whole body is swathed with wide vines that are similar to seaweed. These vines shake as it walks.

What is Tangela?


The ninth set from the Pokémon Sun & Moon games. It introduces a new mechanic of Tag Team GX cards, cards featuring two Pokémon  

What is Team Up


an Electric and Water-type Pokemon that was first made available in generation two.

What is Lanturn?


A somewhat rare Poké Ball that has been specially made to commemorate an event of some sort.

What is a Premier Ball?


You can use this card only if you have any Tera Pokémon in play
Choose up to 2 of your Benched  Pokémon and attach a Basic Energy card from your discard pile to each of them

What is Glass Trumpet?


Its brain can outperform a supercomputer. Its intelligence quotient is said to be 5000. 

What is Alakazam?


This set featured Rockets Hitmonchan

What is Gym Heroes?


If you want to use a Psychic and Electric-type Pokemon, you have only one choice

What is Alolan Raichu?

A particularly comfortable Poké Ball that makes a wild Pokémon quickly grow friendlier after being caught.

What is a Luxury Ball?


Reveal the top 5 cards of your opponent's deck. You may choose any number of Basic Pokémon you find there and put those Pokémon onto their Bench. Your opponent shuffles the other cards back into their deck

What is Accompanying Flute ?


A pokemon that has been long admired for its beauty. It runs gracefully, as if on wings.

What is Arcanine?


This set focuses upon the evil team of the games FireRed & LeafGreen

What is EX: Team Rocket Returns?


This Stage 2 Pokemon is dark and fairy type.

what is grimmsnarl?