A basic fire type, it's said that this Pokemon will die if it's flame goes out.
How would you beat a fire gym?
The Fastest
Is it Regileki?
This Pokemon is said to be able to walk on water.
Which Pokeball is used to catch water type Pokemon in the ocean, a sea or just lakes and ponds?
Net Ball
A basic fighting type, this pokemon evolve into a Steel and Fighting type, capable of using Aura Sphere.
Flying gyms will easily be beaten with want type?
The most attack excluding Legendaries, Mythics, and Megas.
Is it Kartana?
The most powerful Pokemon, said to be the Pokemon-God.
Which Pokeball has a 100% catch rate?
Master Ball
A Grass and Poison type. The stronger the sunlight it absorbs, the stronger this Pokémon becomes and the larger its flower bud grows.
A fairy gym will not easily be beaten with what type?
Poison or Steel
Most HP
Is it Eternatus or Blissey?
This Pokemon is able to transform its self into any Pokemon.
Which Pokeball has a slightly smaller catch rate than the Master Ball
Ultra Ball
This Pokemon is a large, mostly brown avian Pokémon with a vulturine neck and broad, powerful wings. It has a long, pointed, pink beak.
A Dragon gym will destroy you if your team is all ____ type pokemon.
Dragon, Fairy, or Ice.
Most Spe. Atk
Is it Mega Mewtwo Y?
This Pokemon has 11 forms, including is basic one.
Which Pokeball is mainly white?
Premier Ball
This Pokemon is a bipedal crocodilian Pokémon with a mostly red body and a white stomach and face. Its body contains a small flame sac, which constantly leaks fire.
What pokemon should you use if your gym opponent has Corvanight?
Lowest Defence.
Is it Chansly or Happiny?
This Pokemon is a Mythical grass type that resembles a small white and green hedgehog.
This Pokeball is said to be more spacious than the others.
Luxury Ball