What real life region is the Kanto region based off of?
The Kanto region.
Which has the higher attack stat? Onix or Joltik
Joltik. With 47 vs. Onix's 45.
Starter pokemon follow the same rules for each generation of pokemon. Water types will always be semi-aquatic or amphibious, fire types pull from the Chinese zodiac*, what are grass types based on?
Endangered or Extinct animals.
Professors in the even numbered generations of the first seven study forms of and introduced new what?
Evos & prevos. This tradition ended with gen 8, introducing new evos for regional forms and Professor Magnolia was studying the effects of dynamax. And gen 3 introduced two prevos, but Professors Birch studies pokemon and their effects on the environment and vice versa.
Who was the first pokemon? A. Bulbasaur B. Arceus C. Rhydon D. Mew
All are first. Bulbasaur is #0001 in the national dex. Mew is said to the ancestors of all pokemon, due to its genetic makeup and ability to learn an TM move. Arceus is said to have created the world of pokemon and everything within it. And Rhydon was the first pokemon designed.
What was the first region based on an area outside of Japan?
The Unova region, being based on New York City and it's surrounding areas.
Who has a higher defense Onix or Shuckle?
Shuckle, Onix can't catch a break.
Pineco, despite its name and appearance is not a pinecone, what type of creature is it based off of?
A bag worm, similar to burmy and wormadam
Which professor is know for being scatterbrained and often missing dinner?
Professor Elm
The Regi quintet was said to have been created by their master Regigigas, what does each one represent?
Regice-ice age, Regirock-stone age, Registeel- bronze age, Regidrago-medival age, Regieleki-industrial/modern age.
What region has been visited the most times and which generations?
The Kanto Region, being in gen I-IV, and VII(kinda).
Also accept gen VIII.
Who has the Base Stat Total(BST)? Scyther, Scizor, or Kleavor?
All three have a bst of 500.
What pokemon is based on bonsai tree, but is not an actual tree?
Bonsly, its a rock type pretending to be a plant.
Which professor tests his pokemon's moves on himself?
Professor Kukui
Who lunched the super weapon to end the war 3000 years before the events of the game?
Hoenn was once stated to have too much what?
Water. It doesn't. Groudon and Kyogre are fighting over control so it pretty much 50/50 land and water. (The reviewer was upset of the encounter rate in the water. Which is a valid concern)
What non-mega, non-fused pokemon has the highest Combat Power(CP)?
Slaking, with 5069 with max buddy at 51.
(zacian-crowned and eternatus don't count because they ain't released yet)
What grasshopper pokemon draws inspiration for the series Kamen rider for its design and style of kicks?
Lokix, evolution of Nymble.
Who is often seen wearing a rucksack with a rolled mat because they do their research in the great outdoors?
Professor Willow
This quartet of pokemon were corrupted by the human emotions, grudge, hatred, fear and envy?
The Treasures of Ruin: Wo-Chein, Chien-Pao, Ting-Lu, Chi-Yu.
As seen in Colosseum and XD, what regionnis based on the American southwest?
The Orre Region
Which eeveelution has the highest stat amount in its highest stat? And which stat is its highest?
Surprise another trick. All eeveelutions have the same stat distribution of 65-130-60-95-110-65. It just changes what amounts go with which stats. Vaporeon-Health, Jolteon-Speed, Flareon-Attack, Espeon-Special Attack, Umbreon-Special Defense, Leafeon-Defense, Glaceon-Special Attack, Sylveon-Special Defense, are their highest stats.
What quartet of pokemon is based on The Three Musketeers?
The Swords of Justice, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, and Keldeo.
'Professors' are named after trees, oak, elm, juniper etc. And give the player the pokedex of that region, who is not named after a tree but a flower?
Jacq, your homeroom teacher from the Paldea region.
The therian forms of the Forces of Nature, Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, and Enamorus are based on the Chinese Four Gaurdians of the cardinal directions. The Azure Dragon of the East, the Vermilion Bird of the South, White Tiger of the West, and the Black Tortoise of the North. Now they don't match their colors, most notably Tornadus being a green bird instead of Vermilion (red) however they do have gems that do, Tornadus has a red gem, Thundurus has blue, Landorus has white or beige. What color does Enarmous have?