What is a revive used for?
To revive a pokemon from feinting.
Name a Grass move.
Razor leaf, solar beam, energy ball, etc.
What are Eevees possible evolutions?
If you name all eight 100 extra points.
Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Glaceon, Umbreon, Espeon, Leafeon, and Sylveon.
What is the most common circle of pokemon weakness?
Water Grass and Fire.
What pokemon has eight possible evolutions?
What are potions used for?
They are used to heal a pokemon.
Name the 3 main water moves.
Watergun, Waterpulse, Hydropump
Name Mudkips evolution line.
Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert, MSwampert.
What is a dragon type weakness?
Name all weaknesses 300 more points.
Fairy, Dragon, and Ice.
What pokemon is said to be the god pokemon?
What are fossils used for in the pokemon games?
To restore an extinct pokemon to its original state.
Name 1 Fairy move.
Name 3 200 more points.
Name 5 500 more points.
Dazzling gleam, play rough, sweet kiss, etc.
Name Horseas evolution line.
Hint: Misty's Horsea, Misty's head.
Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra.
What are Steel type pokemons weaknesses?
Name all 500 more points.
Fire, Fighting, and Ground.
What are the names of the pokemon of time?
Dialga or Celebi
Name 5 different poke balls.
Name 25 different balls to get 400 more points.
Poke ball, Great ball, Ultra ball, Master ball, Priemere ball, Heal ball, Net ball, Nest ball, Quick ball, Dusk ball, Timer ball, Repeat ball, Dive ball, Luxury ball, Fast ball, Lure ball, Friend ball, Heavy ball, Moon ball, and Beast balls.
Name 5 dragon moves.
Name 10 double points.
Dragon claw, dragon rush, dragon tail, etc.
Name Numels evolution line.
What are ghost type weaknesses.
Name all double points.
Dark and Ghost.
In Pokemon 4 ever the movie what is the Pokemon that travels through time?
What does Rare Candy do?
It will instantly raise the level of a single pokemon.
Name 5 Steel moves.
Name 27 steel moves 5000 more points.
Gyroball, iron tail, flash cannon, etc.
Name Mewtwos logical evolution line.
Mew}Mewtwo}MMewtwo X or Y
What is a dark type weakness?
If you get all three 700 points are going to you.
Fighting, Bug, and Fairy.
In Pokemon XYZ the last episode talks about a legend including facts about _________,___________, and ____________?
Xerneas, Yieveltal, Zyguard.