Some type combos are only used by temporary forms like Mega Altaria and Galarian Zen Mode Darmanitan, name one of these type combos
What are Fire/Ice, Dragon/Fairy
Gen 3
This type is not super effective against any other type
What is Normal Type
What is the first Pokemon?
Bidoof (Bulbasaur, Rhydon, Mew, or Arceus)
This popular spinoff game has people catch pokemon in the real world
What is Pokemon Go
One of the 4 types normal has never had a combo with?
What are ice, bug, rock, or steel type
What generation is Slugma from?
Gen 2
This Pokemon type is the only one with two immunities
What is Ghost Type
What generation has the fewest number of Pokemon
Gen 6
This spinoff series that had 7 games across the DS systems
What is the Mystery Dungeon series
One of two types Fairy has never had a combo with
What are Fire and Ground Type
How many Gen 1 games are there?
Both of these types are super effective against themselves
What are Dragon and Ghost Type
What generation has the highest number of Pokemon
Gen 5
This game is a first person rail shooter from the N64 had a remake on the switch
What is Pokemon Snap
An unused type combo people often mistake for being the type of Runerigus
What is Rock/Ghost type
What generation is Meltan?
Gen 7
Both of these types only have one weakness
What are normal and electric type
Which Pokemon game first featured the mini game Voltorb Flip
HeartGold and SoulSilver
This 2 part spinoff game on the Wii had you playing as a Pikachu
What is Pokepark
This type has not yet had a combo with poison type
What is Ice Type
What mainline game(s) came out before Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen
Name four of the eight immunities?
What are: Type->Immune to, Ghost->Normal, Ground->Electric, Ghost->Fighting, Steel->Poison, Flying->Ground, Dark->Psychic, Normal->Ghost, Fairy->Dragon
How many individual Falinks are there in the Pokemon?
These two mobile games that are aimed towards adding Pokémon to daily life functions
What are Pokemon Smile and Pokemon Sleep