Shedinja's signature ability, famous for making it invulnerable to any type it's not weak to, is known as...
What is Wonder Guard?
Which of the following moves does NOT have a chance to burn the target?
- Will O' Wisp
- Ember
- Flame Charge
What is Flame Charge?
Pikachu, the mascot of the Pokémon franchise, was introduced in which generation?
Illusia's map is based on which real animal?
Electric-type is weak to...
What is Ground-type?
Dragalge's second ability, which has a chance to poison the opponent when the USER makes contact.
What is Poison Touch?
Which of the following is not a canon move in the main series games?
- Shadow Claw
- Metal Claw
- Flame Claw
- Crush Claw
What is Flame Claw?
This Pokémon went viral for diddling a woman in a proposed plot.
What is Typhlosion?
The Grass-type starter's final evolution, Sacryfice, was based on which Pokémon?
The concept of second abilities was introduced in this generation.
The user becomes immune to recoil damage.
What is Rock Head?
As of Gen IX, this move is the highest base power Fairy-type NON-Z MOVE.
What is Light of Ruin?
Misdreavus, when exposed to a Dusk Stone, evolves into this Pokémon.
What is Mismagius?
Pokémon Reality's legendary pokémon, a Water/Ground-type based on the world snake.
What is Jotunngandr?
- Fire Stone
- Ice Stone
- Water Stone
- Thunder Stone
What is the Ice Stone?
The signature ability of Aegislash, allowing it to swap forms when attacking and when using King's Shield.
This move's power is doubled if the opponent is poisoned.
What is Venoshock?
Wynaut, Wobbuffet's baby Pokémon, was introduced in this generation.
What is Generation III?
Calliope's original name, which had to be changed due to the Pokémon Company introducing a character with the same name only days after she was named.
What is Briar?
This Pokémon is the latest-evolving first stage, at Level 59.
What is Larvesta?
An ability exclusive ONLY as a hidden ability, ______ boosts move power when the user moves last.
What is Analytic?
This move is TM06 in almost every game.
What is Toxic?
Incense is an item introduced in Generation III, which all yield baby Pokémon if a holder is bred. The Luck Incense produces...
What is Happiny?
Out of any generation, Illusia has introduced the most of which two types?
What is Dark-type?
What is Ghost-type?
Which country was Mew discovered in canonically?
What is Guyana?