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A common type for many starter Pokémon, this type relates to hot things
What is the Fire type?
This girl joins Ash's journey through Sinnoh and says "No need to worry" in the English dub a lot
Who is Dawn?
This move has a faster speed priority than most moves, and blocks all incoming attacks for 1 turn
What is Protect / Detect?

"Not only does it perceive auras, but it has also gained the power to control them. It employs them in battle."

What is Lucario?
This entertaining blonde guy loves Flygon- like, REALLY loves Flygon
Who is Justin?

This supernatural type has at least 1 immunity and is strong/weak against itself

What is the Ghost type?
He first met Ash near Hoenn's Dewford Town and later met a young man from Kalos with an interest in Mega Evolution
Who is Steven Stone?
This legendary Pokémon would supposedly be considered very powerful in the metagame- if it wasn't for its ability, which cuts its Speed for the first 5 turns it's out
What is Regigigas?

"It’s said that gas emanating from a graveyard was possessed by the grievances of the deceased and thus became a Pokémon."

What is Gastly?
This person is always posting on the club's Facebook page- it might be because they're an officer
Who is Valerie?
Known for its only resistance being its own type, less than 40 Pokémon have this type natively (e.g., no type-changing items)
What is the Ice type?

In addition to being the name of a character in the late 2000s show "Ghost Whisperer", this is the name of Ash's mom

What is "Delia"?

This move both increases the user's Speed by 2 stages and lowers its weight

What is Autotomize?


"It hums in a beautiful soprano voice. It flies among white clouds in the blue sky. It launches intensely hot fireballs from its mouth."

What is Altaria?
He's a tall guy who asks weird questions in Hedbanz and loves his anime waifus (especially red-haired girls)
Who is Harrison?
This type combination has only one weakness; it was first seen in Gen 2, and exactly 1 legendary Pokémon has this type combination
What is Bug and Steel?
In the movie "The Rise of Darkrai", a noble baron temporarily gained the body of his pink, round partner, who is this Pokémon
What is Lickilicky?

Introduced in Gen 7, this move, currently known by only 2 Pokémon, is able to both poison its target and lower their Speed

What is Toxic Thread?


"It’s not good at swimming, so it clings to the seaweed. In the Alola region, it’s often found near Dhelmise."

What is Skrelp?
This four-eyes wise guy loves his puns and memes- even in his competitive teams
Who is Ryan?
Only one pair of two types exists where the two types resist each other, and it's these two types
What are Bug and Fighting?
The first Double Battle happened during this season
What is the Orange Islands season?
The fastest speed priority stage is Stage 5; designed for Double Battles in mind, this move is the only one in that stage
What is Helping Hand?

Entry 1:

"It may plummet from the sky. If attacked by a Spearow, it will violently shake its leaves."

Entry 2:

"It lives by drinking only dewdrops from under the leaves of plants. It is said that it eats nothing else."

What is Sunkern?
He can usually be seen with a number counter on his phone
Who is Ethan?