Polish History
Lalalalaw & Justice

Pronounce this man’s name: Jarosław Kaczyński

What is [ask Miłosz]?



Please rise and sing 20 seconds of the Polish national anthem, karaoke style.


What is Miłosz's last name?

What is Cordes?

*100 points


Roughly how long was Poland communist after WWII (range of 5 years is acceptable)

What is 42 years?


What did the “Family 500+” social program provide?

What is 500 PLN per child monthly for all families in Poland?


What parts of Poland were lost and gained after WWII:

What is losing land in the East and gaining land in the west and north? 


Name two characteristics of an economic system under the Washington Consensus

What are shock therapy, opening markets to international, cutting government expenditures, mass and rapid privatization?


Every populist movement is rooted in a local context. What is a major aspect of the Polish context that fuels their populist movement?

What are values associated with the Catholic Church?


Name the major consequence of the population loss in 1945/1946

What is becoming a mono-ethnic country?


Who was the man responsible for Poland’s economic transition?

Who is Leszek Balcerowicz?


What age did the party that preceded law and justice propose to raise the retirement age to for men?

What is 67?


What were the 3 scenarios where abortion was legal in Poland, and which one was later made illegal?

What are: life of the mother is in danger, incest/rape, if there is irreparable damage to the fetus (sooner or later it will die) (This is the circumstance that was made illegal)?


What fraction of seats were filled by communists during Poland’s first partly free elections?

What is ⅔ from communists, ⅓ from free elections?


What years was the Polish government a Law and Justice Government (two acceptable time frames)

What is 2005-2007 or 2015-2023?


What were the speeds of the political transition and the economic transition in Poland after communism?

What is slow for the political transition and fast for the economic transition?