What is the Arctic tundra?
It is a treeless plain
What did the seal hunter use to arrive at the tree house?
The seal hunter used a dogsled.
How much can a female polar bear weight?
A female polar bear can weight nearly 340 kilograms.
What animal woke up Jack in the middle of the night
An owl woke up Jack.
What is summer in the Arctic like?
Summer in the Arctic is bright because the sun shines 24 hours a day.
What do seal hunters wear to stay warm in the arctic?
They wear seal skin.
What do polar bears do to safely cross thin ice?
They slide.
Who sent the owl to wake up Jak and Annie and lead them to the tree house?
Morgan La Fey sent the owl.
What are Igloos made of?
They are made of blocks of snow.
What is the type of dog used to pull the seal hunter's sled?
They are Siberian Huskies.
Why do people of the Arctic have ceremonies?
It is the way seal hunters say thank you to the animals.
Where did Jack, Annie, and the cubs get stuck?
They got stuck on the cracking ice.
What are the northern lights?
They are a swirl of light that is caused by electrically charged particles from the sun striking atoms and molecules in the earth's atmosphere.
What are sled runners sometimes made from?
They are sometimes made from frozen fish, rolled up in seal skin.
How does the polar bear's white coat help the polar bear?
It helps the polar bear blend in with the snow. It is camouflage for the polar bear.
What did Jack and Annie wear so the mother polar bear wouldn't hurt them?
They wore masks.
How much warmer can the temperature inside an igloo be?
It can be up to 18 degrees warmer (Celsius).
It can be up to 65 degrees warmer (Fahrenheit).
What does the word igloo mean?
It means house.
What animals do polar bears usually prey on?
Polar bears usually prey on seals.
What is the answer to the riddle that Morgan Le Fay gave to Jack and Annie?
The answer is "a mask".