Does the PREMIUM House Heat include an Annual Inspection?

What is YES. 


If the customer has the P&E policy, and they are stating that their Kitchen sink is clogged. What is their charge?

What is the $50 Deductible 


Customer is asking to schedule a Water Heater Repair. Give an example of a policy that would cover that.

What is Whole House, Home Comfort, Select Service, Laundry and a stand alone Water Heater policy.


Customer has the P&E policy. Is a ceiling fan install a covered service? Explain.

What is Yes. (Discuss)


Is a Frozen Pipe covered under the Plumbing and Electric Policy?

What is no, frozen pipes are not covered under any policy. 


What does the Select Service Policy include towards an Annual Inspection?

What is 20% off of the traditional cost of $119.95


Customer is asking to schedule a a Fridge repair. Give an example of a policy that could cover that.

What is Whole House, Kitchen or a stand alone Fridge policy.


What does a Heat Pump Policy Cover?

What is the cost of labor and covered parts for repairs to the Heat Pump - both heating and cooling units, and one annual inspection. 


What are the different kinds of Water Heater policies?

What is Gas/Electric, Heat Pump, Power vent, and Tankless. 


How long does it take for a policy to go into effect?

What is 30 Days. 


Customer has Home Comfort, Kitchen and P&E Policy. They state that they are needing to fix their water lines to their fridge as its leaking. What policy would this fall under?

What is Kitchen Policy, but if a plumber is needed that would be the next step. (Discussion)


Does the Central AC Policy include an Annual Inspection?

What is customer has choice whether they want with or without the Annual Inspection. 


Customer has a Laundry Policy and is telling you that they have no hot water in their entire home. Is this appt covered?

What is Yes. The Laundry Policy provides coverage towards a water heater


Would changing a light bulb be covered by the Plumbing and Electric policy? 

What is No


Does the Humidifier Policy Provide an Annual Inspection?

What is Yes


Water and Sewer main lines are not offered in what areas?

What is PA, Baltimore City and Cecil County. 


Would the Garbage disposal be covered under the Whole House Policy?

What is No, It would be the P&E policy


What is all covered by the Whole House Policy?

What is Heating & Cooling units, Water Heater, Fridge, Range, Dishwasher, Washer & Dryer, and the Annual Inspection.


Does the Tankless Water Heater Policy include an Annual Flushing?

What is No


Is a Microwave covered by a Whole House policy?

What is No, if the customer has microwave coverage it would be its own policy?


Does the Select Service Add-on Policy cover an Annual Inspection?

What is No, but it does provide a 20% discount towards the Annual Inspection. 


If a customer is interested in signing up for a policy, what will you do?

 What is issue a Task. 


In order for a Customer to have an Electric Air Cleaner Policy, Give an example of a policy that they would have to have first. 

What is House Heat (HH), HH/AC, Heat Pump, or a Smart Service policy.


What are the Renewal Options for an Annual based policy vs a Monthly based policy?

What is Annual can renew automatically or manually vs the Monthly plan renews until they choose to cancel. 


Do you start Generator policies? 

What is No. If a cx calls in stating they would like to start a Generator policy, agents are to schedule a Generator Inspection - the technician will go out to the home and inspect the Generator and set up the Policy. Remember, we only service & sell - Generac, Honeywell, & Kohler Generators.