Classroom Procedures
Classwork Procedures
School Procedures
Lab Safety

When a student enters the classroom, what is the first procedure he or she should do?

Have a seat & immediately begin their Do Now


Where and when should assignments be turned in?

Turned in either in the turn in bin or on Schoology and ON TIME


What is the 6th grade DPMMS uniform? (Shirt? Pants? Outwear?)

Shirt: black or purple (magnet) polo

Pants: Khakis, khaki shirt

Outwear: uniform shirt matching color cardigan/light jacket only (no outside jackets, or jean jackets)


What is the one piece of safety equipment we will use the most this year?



What day & time is Ms. Butler’s coach class on? What day are coach class forms due by?

Tuesday’s from 3:30-4:30 for students that sign up ahead of time. Wednesday the week before. 


What materials is a student expected to have with them every day in science class?


¡Something to write with

¡Science Notebook


If a student is absent from class do they still have to make up the work? If so, how do that do that?

Yes. They need to get the work from the file cabinet or Schoology and complete the work ASAP.


What is the DPMMS policy on cell phones?

Off and away for the whole school day


What’s wrong with this scenario?

Cindy broke a test tube. She carefully picked up the pieces with one hand & placed them in her other hand. She then dumped the glass pieces in the trash can.

Cindy did not tell the instructor, she picked up the pieces, and she did not properly dispose of the glass. 


What is the “Parking Lot” board used for?

Placing questions when Ms. Butler is in small group, suggestions, or off topic questions. 


You’re late to Ms. Butler’s class. What do you do when you finally enter the class? After how many tardies will a detention be assigned?

  Quietly enter, sign the tardy log, have a seat and begin to take part in the lesson


3 tardies = 1 detention


If a student does not submit their work on the due date, what grade do they get and how long do they have to turn it in? Can late assignments be redone?

They get an M (M=missing=0%) and they have 2 weeks to turn it in.




Name at least three things that can earn a student Live School Points

Participating, staying on task, making an honest effort to learn, following procedures, and cooperating in groups. 

What’s wrong with this scenario?

Diana & Mike were going to be late to their next class. After rushing to put away a few materials, they left the rest of the materials on the lab table.

They did not clean up. They rushed out the classroom, knowing that Ms. Butler would've written them a pass. 


What is Ms. Butler’s daughter name and how old is she?

Leah, 6 years old 


What is the procedure if you need to use the bathroom in Ms. Butler’s class?

1.Sign out on the sign in/out log on the Green and Red Clipboard

2.Take the GREEN clipboard to the bathroom

3.Return the Green clipboard.


Where will we be working on science work this school year?


Science Notebook



What should a student do in the event of a fire drill?

1.Quietly line up with their class

2.Proceed to the nearest exit and go outside to rally point

3.Stay in line with their class at the designated point until allowed to re-enter the building

4.Return to classroom activities


What’s wrong with this scenario?

The teacher was not in the room yet. Jake began weighing chemicals, touching them with his hands. His nose itched, so he rubbed it.

Touching materials without permission, touching his face without washing his hands. 


What is the classroom tardy policy?

1st tardy: warning

2nd: contact home

3rd: detention


Why is the sign in/sign out log necessary?

To keep track of who is leaving the classroom in case of emergencies. And to track who had my past last!


If a students wants to redo an assignment, what 3 things need to be turned in for the work to be regraded? Will assignments be graded if these 3 items aren’t turned in together?

Graded work form, Original Work, Redo work



What are 3 of the 5 DPMMS non-negotiable policies?

Bell to bell instruction

No passes 1st & last 15 minutes of class

1 person out of the classroom at a time

Show up on time

No cell phones


Describe the proper appearance/attire of a student doing a lab experiment.

Closed toed shoes, no loose fitting shirts, long hair tied up, goggles. 


What is the Deer Park Way? At Deer Park we are…




Mindful, and
