How do I borrow a pencil from Ms. Drees?
Trade her something!
2219 + 872
True or False: I can go to the locker between 5th and 6th hour?
84 x 3
Before entering the math classroom, I should...
Wait in the hallway in a line for Ms. Drees to let you in
How do I use the classroom library?
Choose a book, sign out on the form, bring the book back!
5351 + 1235
In the hallways, I should be...
quiet, get my materials quickly and do not disturb the classes around me
112 ÷ 4
Before leaving class, I should...
Once I find my seat in the classroom, I start the....
Warm up!
List all the appropriate times to go to your locker!
before school, before lunch, after lunch, before electives, at the end of the day
37 x 20
Why is there a cool down zone?
It is an area to take a break when a teacher thinks I need it. There are activities to cool me down and get me refocused for class
What are the two different types of homework assignments I might assign?
Hawk Math and book work
9165- 4729
When do I ask Ms. Drees to go to the nurse/ bathroom/ drink?
When she is not talking to the whole class or an individual student. Just raise your hand and I'll get to you!
1500 ÷ 30
What is the cell phone policy in this classroom?
Hidden and away, put in day care and maybe win prizes, conversations with parents if there is a phone problem
Test and Quizzes make up what percent of your grade?
Find the Perimeter of the following shape:
What is the headphone policy at Prairie?
Headphones need to be away during class and in the hallways. That means they are not resting around your neck! You can use them at lunch, recess, or when your teacher gives you permission.
Find the area of the shape below:
Why do I hate the pencil sharpener?