What is a head injury, a bite (the bitten), or injuries involving blood, breaks, or sprains?
Acceptable times to eat food in the classroom.
What is on your break or at mealtimes with the children (it needs to be what the children are eating if the children are awake)?
Acceptable locations to clock in/out.
What is in the lobby of the building only and AFTER you have already dropped off your child?
This should NEVER happen on the playground.
A location where gloves, wipes, Purel, Oxivir, Sunscreen, lotion, and scissors are stored.
What is a locked cabinet or out of reach of children?
These things need to be reported via accident report.
What is the first AND last name of the children and staff involved, the date, blue or black ink only, signatures of staff and management?
Acceptable times to use airpods or headphones in the classroom.
What is NEVER?
A 10-minute break.
What is ten minutes, nothing more and nothing less?
Wandering the halls, having your neighbor stand between rooms while you go to the bathroom, and stepping out into the hallway to ask something of a passerby.
What is being out of ratio?
Times your hands should be washed.
What is upon entering a classroom, before serving food, after diaper changes, after wiping noses, and after using the restroom?
These things needs to be reported via incident report.
What is when you are tracking a child's behavior, a child is acting aggressive, when a child is exhibiting behavior that is beyond administrative control, and when a child hurts another person intentionally (including biting).
Acceptable locations to store your personal items or purses/bags in the building.
What is locked up in a cabinet or 100% out of reach of the children?
A lunch break.
What is typically an hour and when you are being relieved for your break, leave the room right away to avoid delays in the all of the lunch breaks following yours?
What is NEVER?
Sunscreen should be applied at these intervals.
What is 30 minutes prior to going outside and every 90 minutes of continuous outside time (regardless of the time of year)?
This must happen each day and must be communicated to each and every family.
What is reporting to parents in BrightWheel each and every day how their child's day went/is going, including pictures.
Policy on personal beverages.
You must CALL and speak to an administrator at least 2 hours before your scheduled shift. If you call and aren't successful in reaching an administrator, you must call back until you do.
What is our policy on calling out?
Acceptable times to allow children to watch movies/shows.
What is NEVER, accept ages 4+ with approval from management and written permission from parents?
This should always be locked.
What is cabinets and drawers?
Acceptable times to use your cellphone in the building.
What is on your break, in the lounge, or in the lobby of the building when you are clocking in/out in BHR?
At least two weeks before, using BambooHR.
What is asking for time off?
This is what should happen when a parent enters the room.
What is greeting the parent and acknowledging that they are leaving their child with you?
These things should not be in a child's backpack, pocket, or cubby.
What is plastic bags, medications, diapering materials, ChapSticks/lotions, chokeable sized items, and prohibited food from home?