Daily Best Practices

Foods must NOT contain these ingredients to be considered safe for daycare

Peanuts, tree nuts (including kiwi), fish and shellfish


What temperature does a children have to reach to be sent home?



How many hours, before your shift, should you call in if your feeling sick?

2 Hours


True or False: The Code of Conduct only applies to staff

False- it applies to management, staff, the children, parents and any others that are involve with the centre (Volunteers, visitors/guest, etc.) 


What should the bleach solutions test at?

100ph for lunch tables

200ph for bathrooms


What temperature is consider too cold to go outside?



When is a child allow to come back to daycare after having pink eye (bacterial)?

24 hours on prescription and once the goop is gone they can return.


How long in advance should you book personal time off

2 weeks


True or False- Staff will contact CFS to pick up a sick child(ren) if the parents or emergency contacts makes no effect to pick up their sick child(ren) within an hour of the phone calling.



What does our diapering procedure look like?

-Wash hands and gather supplies

-Put on gloves and place disposable paper on change table

-Place the child on the table 


-Change the diaper and place the diaper  and gloves in the garbage (place bm diapers in a plastic bag)

-Wash hands (both you and the child) 

-Clean the change table

-Wash your hands


What is our fire evacuation procedure?

-Gather the children

- One staff has the backpack and clipboard

-One staff will do a sweep of the room (ensuring no children or staff are left behind)

- The rest of the staff leads the children to the parking lot, beside building C, across from the infant room (or in if too cold)

-One staff from each group will do a face to name for their group then report to the director

-Lastly wait for further instruction


A child has fallen and cut their knee while playing outside, what are the steps to dealing with this situation?

1. Comforting the child

2.Clean and Applying Bandage (Getting ice)

3.Written an incident report

4.Ensuring parents sign the incident report (either in person or through email)


True or False- The probation period can be extended by another 3 month 



What steps should you take if you suspect a child is being abused by a parent or family member?

-The person that suspect (or witnesses) the abuse calls CFS

-Document the situation

-Talk to the director about the situation


What are the ratios for each program?

Preschool, School age, 2 years and Infant

Preschool 1:8

School age 1:15

2 year old's 1:6

Infant 1:4


What is our tornado warning procedure?

-Gather the children

- One staff has the backpack and clipboard

-One staff will do a sweep of the room (ensuring no children or staff are left behind)

- The rest of the staff leads the children to the stairwell by the main entrance (Infant the bathroom)

-One staff from each group will do a face to name for their group then report to the director

-Lastly wait for further instruction


3 examples of illness based reason to send a child home. 

-Having 2 loose bowel movements



-Goopy Pink Eye

-Lice (Live Nits)

-Scabies (body lice)


-Impetigo & Ringworm

-Giardia (Mucous Diarrhea)  


How many professional development hours are require per year?

16 hours


What steps should you take if you suspect a parent (or anyone who is picking up a child) is under the influence (Alcohol and/or Drugs) when picking up their child? 

Offer to call them an alternate ride home and if they refuse call the RCMP (you can tell the parent that that is what we have to do as per our policies)


Give a summary of our Inclusion Policy 

-Our goal is to ensure all the children feel welcomed and loved

-Family involvement is important 

-All child learn differently and at different paces

-We do 16 hours of professional development relevant to the needs of the centre

-All Children are accepted and welcome 

-We recognize child may require additional support

-Provides services that allow all children to have optimal social and learning experiences (working along side OT's, speech therapist and physiotherapist) 

-We observe for and provide opportunities for children to have social free play, an inviting/welcoming environment and their interest are noticeable in the programs (planned activates, room arrangement, etc.


What is our dangerous person procedure? 

-Talk to staff about the situation

-One staff gathers the children

-One staff has the backpack and clipboard

-One staff will do a sweep, ensuring no children or staff are left behind (if outside lock the back door)

-The rest of the staff leads the children upside ensuring the doors are shut and blinds are down (if the threat is inside-staff will bring the preschool to the staff bathroom, schoolage to the single toilet bathroom and infant the bathroom, locking the door(s). 

-One staff from each group will do a face to name for their group then report to the director (If possible)

-One staff is call 911 to inform police of the situation

-Lastly wait for further instruction from the police 



What's our protocol on prescription medication?

-Must be on it for at least 24 hours 

-Medication must come in it ORIGINAL container

-A form must be fill out BEFORE the medication is given to the child

-Must be kept in the LOCKED medication box (usually in the fridge)

-Staff must give the medication at the intended time THEN sign off on the form 


True or False- if you've been working at the centre for 2 years, you only have to give 1 week notice before resigning

False- two week


What is our missing child policy (relates more to school age but all staff should know).

Staff are not responsible for locating missing children, they become our responsibility once they've been signed in

5 minutes after the school's dismissal and the child hasn't come to the meeting place

-The ECE will notify the school secretary (they'll page the child over the intercom after 2 minutes of not appearing the child will be paged again)

-After the second page the ECE will contact the child's parents and explain that their child didn't show up at the meeting spot and that its the parents responsible to now locate their child 

-If the parent doesn't answer the ECE will go down and call the numbers on emergency contact list, they become responsible for locating the missing child 


What items should you have when taking the children outside

-Backpack (one with the puffers and EpiPens if needed be)


-The attendance clipboard or a piece of paper with the children you are taking outside

-Appropriate Clothing (Mitts, hat, jackets, sweaters, etc.)


-Sun screen and/or bug spray (summer)