To discontinue a pursuit or stop chasing fleeing vehicles
What is to "terminate".
Vehicle pursuits _____ only be conducted using authorized police department emergency vehicles that are equipped with and displaying emergency lighting and sirens
Circumstances known during the pursuit indicate that the present risks of continuing the pursuit outweigh the risks resulting from the suspect’s escape.
What is "terminate"
What you call it when a vehicle is not yielding but you don't want to write a pursuit report.
What is a "failure to yield".
Misdemeanor evading/fleeing a peace officer
What is 2800.1 CVC
A device that extends across the roadway designed to puncture the tires of the pursued vehicle, sometimes referred to as spike strips.
What is a tire deflation device
Whenever practicable, an officer ____ seek approval from a supervisor before employing any intervention to stop the pursued vehicle.
What is "Shall"
Location, direction of travel, estimated speed, description of the suspect's vehicle including license plate number, reason for the pursuit, number of occupants The weather, road, and traffic conditions.
What are "things you should broadcast in a pursuit"
The excuse you broadcast when you are driving at really high speeds after a suspect vehicle but don't want to say you're in pursuit, so you don't get terminated or have to right a report.
What is "trying to catch up".
Fleeing/evading a peace officer going the wrong way on a highway (wobbler)
What is 2800.4 CVC
A low-speed tactic intentionally applied to cause the suspect vehicle to spin out and terminate the pursuit.
What is a "Pursuit Intervention Technique (PIT)"
Officers ____ not pursue a vehicle driving left of center (wrong way) against traffic.
What is Should
A single unit from an outside agency enters Concord in pursuit.
What is "join the pursuit after receiving supervisor approval."
Term used when you are in an allied agency's pursuit but don't want your supervisor to know you are.
What is "trailing".
Fleeing/evading a peace officer and causing bodily injury (Felony)
What is 2800.3 CVC
Following the path of the pursuit at a safe speed while obeying all traffic laws and without activating emergency equipment.
What is to "trail" or "trailing"
Tire deflation devices ____ not be used when the pursued vehicle is a motorcycle or a school bus transporting children........
What is "Should"
A suspect has been given an appropriate signal to stop by a law enforcement officer and is attempting to evade arrest or detention by fleeing in a vehicle.
What is "initiate a pursuit"
A method of using the radio that prevents a supervisor from getting on the air to terminate your pursuit.
What is "holding down the transmit button and continuously broadcasting updates."
This CVC section states the driver of an emergency vehicle is not relieved from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons using the highway
What is 21056 CVC
Attempting to apprehend a suspect, who is attempting to avoid arrest while operating a motor vehicle while willfully failing to yield to an officer’s signal to stop.
What is a vehicle pursuit.
Officers ____ not shoot at any part of a vehicle in an attempt to disable the vehicle
What is "Should"
The pursuing vehicle’s emergency lighting equipment or siren becomes partially or completely inoperable
What is "terminate the pursuit".
The term for chasing a suspect vehicle at high speeds with lights and sirens from Concord to Antioch without broadcasting anything on the radio until the vehicle eludes you or yields.
What is a "ghost pursuit"
Authorized driver of an emergency vehicle is exempt from most traffic laws if being driven in response to an emergency call, displaying a red lamp to the front and sounding a siren.
What is 21055 CVC