advocates help individuals families and communities deal with external providers, institutions, laws and policies; whereas clinicians seek internal changes in their clients by helping them address fears, resolve conflict and problem solve.
What is the difference between Policy Advocacy and Clinical Counseling
These 4 kinds of skills are used by Advocates when addressing challenges to using policy Advocacy framework.
What are:
Value-Clarifying skills,
political/influential skills,
analytic skills,
interactional skills
_______ is the most challenging aspect of a thoughtful policy analysis
What is, Knowing where to start
(Oconnor, Netting)
safety, trustworthiness & transparency, collaboration, empowerment, choice, and intersectionality defines this approach
Trauma Informed Care
Describe some of the challenges Advocates for and against AB 5 face.
Challenge 1: deciding whether to proceed
Challenge 2: Deciding where to focus
Challenge 3: Securing attention
Challenge 4: Analyzing/Diagnosing the problem
Challenge 5: Developing a strategy/proposal
Challenge 6: developing support
Challenge 7: implementing the strategy/policy
Challenge 8: assessing the strategy/policy
The 3 P's of Policy Analysis
NOT to be confused with the Black Eyed Peas!
What is Process - focuses on dynamics of policy formulation
What is Product - frameworks focuses on results of planning process
What is Performance - concerned with the description and evaluation of the programmatic outcomes of policy choice
Smartest and brightest Professor at California State University San Marcos
Who is Jimmy Young... TWEET IT!!
What is the awareness of identity characteristics such as race, gender, and sexual orientation and the privileges or oppression these characteristics can incur?
SB 1152 focuses on improved coordination of support resources. By July 1, 2019, each hospital must create a plan for collaborating with community resources, such as shelters, mental health providers, and supportive services.
How might you approach a policy analysis of this new bill?
Seek to change dysfunctional policies in agencies and communities
What is Mezzo Policy Advocacy
Advocate for specific individuals or families to help them obtain services, rights, opportunities, and benefits they would not otherwise receive and that would advance their well-being
What is micro policy advocacy
Seek to change dysfunctional policies in local, state and federal government
What is Macro Policy Advocacy
This strategy highlighted community-level prevention strategies, early intervention, and expanded access to drug intervention, and expanded access to drug treatments.
2014 National Drug control Strategy
What is the Policy Process Analysis Framework in Jansson's (2008)
Political, cultural, financial, other factors that have led to the issue, currently existing responses, needed resources, Effects on population groups, feasibility of addressing the issue, and available strategies.
this video demonstrates _.
What is the significance of Social workers being involved with influencing policy change toward renewable energy
This ethnic group was disproportionately affected with harsher penalties for possession of crack cocaine versus powder cocaine.
Which policy analysis model contain a historical background of the policy under consideration?
Karger & Stoesz Model
Authors of this model stated,
"The purpose of a policy framework is to provide the analyst with a model or set of questions for systematically analyzing a policy. Consequently, the choice of a policy framework must fit the requirements of the project as well as the available resources. Every policy framework can be fine-tuned or modified, and the best policy framework is often a synthesis of existing models"
What is the Karger & Stoesz Model
As a case manager you observe that a large number of your clients are dealing with alcoholism. While attempting to link your clients to addiction treatment you find many of them are not eligible due to their co-occuring mental health diagnosis. You decide to ....
engage in policy advocacy at the micro, mezzo, or macro level.
A traditional role for research is to provide resources and background information for understanding social problems that need to be addressed.
Why is research a significant part of policy analysis?
People with felony drug charges are no longer eligible to receive this social benefit.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Which policy analysis model integrates culturally informed and gender-responsive approaches to the empowerment of survivors?
Trauma -Informed Policy Analysis