Parents can drop their children off this many minutes before class starts.
What is 5 minutes?
This person is responsible to do a visual sweep of the bus after all children have departed.
Who is the bus driver?
These people needs to know if you become ill during class
Who is your supervisor and your team
This occurs before entering the playground and before exiting the playground.
What is name to face attendance?
This many milk pitchers are required to available per table
What is 2
An authorized adult needs to present an ID before doing this
What is pick up a child from school.
After a teacher "calls out" a head count this must immediately follow.
What is a cross check by a secondary teacher then write the number on a white board.
This is the amount of time before class your supervisor needs to know if your are ill
What is 2 hours before class start
This should occur daily before children use the playground
What is a playground sweep
Children should be helping with these things at meal time
What is setting up, opening food, serving food, and clean up
This needs to be filled out multiple times per day
When arriving at school by bus these people do a name to face check.
Who are the bus driver and bus monitor then the teacher
This needs to occur prior to you leaving the classroom when children are present and upon reentry
What is filling out the staff attendance log
This should be changed anytime a child leaves the playground
what is the attendance white board
This is the amount of time food can sit on the cart before it is served
What is 5 minutes
This is where self transport parents drop their children off
What is the classroom door or in the classroom
A teacher should contact a family at this time when a student is absent without communication from parents.
When is immediately after class
This person steps up to Teacher position if the teacher is out sick
Who is the Teacher Assistant
There must be one of these people on the playground at all times.
Who are the Lead Teacher or Teaching assistant
This should never involve food.
What is reward or punishment
This needs to be filled out by the teachers at the start of each day
What is the attendance and health log
A name to face check needs to happen this many times per day.
what is as many times as a transition in or out of the classroom occur.
These people should be a part of the Classroom Team Meeting.
Who are Aides, Teacher Assistants and Teachers of both shared classrooms.
This should occur when teachers are outside with children
what are playing and zoning
This should never be done in the classroom in front of children
What is dumping extra food in the trash.