Name a requirement when filling out an accident report
What is the date?
Name our cell phone use policy
What is locking your phone up when children are awake?
Name the physical location of where you are able to clock in and out
What is the front lobby?
When is it okay to be sitting down on the playground
What is NEVER?
Name the location where gloves, wipes, Sani-Tyze, soapy water, diapers and Oxivir is stored
What is a locked cabinet and out of reach of children?
Name another requirement when filling out an accident report.
What is the FIRST and LAST name of the children and staff involved?
Name our policy about headphones, AirPods, etc.
What is they are not allowed AT ALL in the classroom?
How long is a ten minute break
What is ten minutes?
When is it okay to be sitting in the classroom?
What is when interacting with the children?
Name the solution that cleans table tops and toys and what solution cleans the mats/diaper changing station and bodily fluids.
What is Sani-tyze for table tops and toys, and what is Oxivir for mats/diaper changing station and bodily fluids?
Name a requirement when filling out an accident report
What is a strike-through mistake?
Name our policy on purses or personal items while in a classroom or in the building
What is in a locked cabinet, or in the break room? This includes anyone in the classroom, including therapists.
You are coming back from your hour lunch break, but need to use the restroom. Do you clock in before or after going to the bathroom?
What is after?
While the children are in the restroom, where does the teacher stand?
What is inside the doorway of the bathroom, only allowing the use of one restroom per teacher?
When should sunscreen be applied?
What is 30 minutes before going outside and 90 minutes?
What color ink must all accident reports be filled out with?
What is blue or black ink?
Name our policy on personal beverages
What is locked up in a cabinet or out of reach of children, and hot beverages require a lid?
What should an employee do when they are no longer needed for ratio?
What is checking in with the office?
When is it okay for the children to be alone
What is NEVER!
When should cabinets (including the bathroom) be locked?
What is ALWAYS?
In your own words, explain the head count
What is doing a name-to-face after transitions and doing a head count when you pass through any threshold, and checking to make sure all children are signed in on the Hourly attendance sheet AND Brightwheel every 30 minutes?
Name an appropriate time to be eating food in the classroom
What is on your break or at mealtime with the kids?
Jessica works 7:30-4:30 but the time is now 4:30, and no one has come to relieve her to go home. Name our policy on maintaining the classroom ratio.
What is Jessica will need to stay until someone comes to relieve her, and notify the office staff?
Jessica (lead teacher) and Brittany (assistant) are at ratio for ONE teacher in the three's classroom. Billy needs to go to the bathroom along with his friend Jimmy. Who should take them to the bathroom?
Who is the assistant teacher?
What CAN NOT be in the children's cubby or backpacks
What is NO Diapering materials, NO chap stick/lotions, NO medication, NO plastic bags, NO choke-able size items, NO food from home, NO sunscreen, NO personal toys?