You call the office ASAP.
When a child has hurt themselves and you have the accident report filled out?
Our cell phone policy
What is locking your phone up when children are awake?
This is where you can clock in/out.
Where is the front lobby of the building?
You should never do this on the playground.
Sit, or chat with other teachers
A location where gloves, wipes, Sanityze, Oxivir, lotion, sunscreen and scissors are stored.
What is a locked cabinet and out of reach of children?
These things have to be on an accident report.
What is the FIRST and LAST name of the children and staff involved, the date, blue or black ink, the teacher's signature.
Our policy about headphones, AirPods, etc.
What is not allowed AT ALL in the classroom
A ten minute break
What is ten minutes?
Your back is turned, you are in the doorway to another classroom, you are on the phone, you are looking at your cellphone.
When are you considered out of ratio?
1) Soapy water and wipe, 2) water and wipe (new paper towel), 3 Sanityze and let sit for 60 seconds, then wipe
This is when you fill out an incident report.
When we are tracking a child's behavior, when a child is acting aggressive, when a child needs to go to the office, when a child is running out of the classroom, when a child hurts another person intentionally.
Our policy on purses or personal items while in a classroom or in the building
What is locked up in a cabinet or 100% out of reach of children
This many hours is considered full time employment.
What is 30 hours?
It is ok to stand in this doorway to supervise children.
What is inside the doorway of the bathroom?
Sunscreen should be applied at these intervals.
What is 30 minutes before going outside and evert 90 minutes of continuous outside time?
These need to be done every hour, posted to Brightwheel and turned into Ms. Debra at the end of the day.
What are Daily Diaper Checks?
Our policy on personal beverages
What is locked up in a cabinet or out of reach of children
You either need to leave a voicemail AND speak to an administrator two hours before your shift.
What is the policy about calling in?
Times it okay for the children to be alone
What is NEVER!
This should ALWAYS be locked.
What is cabinets and drawers?
You need to be doing this every 30 minutes.
What is doing a name-to-face head count?
It is ok to eat food
What is on your break or at mealtime with the kids?
At least 2 weeks before, using Bamboo HR.
How far in advance should you ask for time off?
You will be written up or immediately terminated
What will happen if you are caught on your phone while in ratio?
Things that cannot be in a child's backpack, cubby or pocket.
What is NO Diapering materials, NO chapstick/lotions, NO medication, NO plastic bags, NO choke-able size items, NO food from home?