Name that Policy
Expense and Corporate Travel Policy
Policy Terms
Internal Investigations

This term refers to the guidelines a company uses to define acceptable conduct and behavior for its employees.

What is a Code of Conduct?


The policy that requires employees to disclose any personal or financial interest that could influence their decision-making at work.

What is a Conflict of Interest Policy?


Itemized receipts are required for all transactions above this amount?

What is $75


The act of treating a person differently or denying or granting a benefit to a person because of the person's protected characteristics.

What is Discrimination


This person, group/department is usually responsible for overseeing an internal investigation to ensure it is unbiased and thorough.

What is the HR Department, Internal Investigations, Or Compliance?


This system allows employees to anonymously voice a concern?

Speak Freely


This policy was created to protect TruStage’s assets and effectively manage risk by requiring that individuals incur only those business expenses that are reasonable, and business related.

Expenses and Corporate travel


A vendor offers to pay for lodging to you to attend their event. This is acceptable under the policy?

What is "no"


A deliberate, wrongful and/or criminal deception intended to result in unfair and/or unlawful financial or personal gain.

What is Fraud


This is the first step in conducting an internal investigation when a complaint or issue arises.

What is Fact-Finding or Gathering Information?


This global set of ethics guidelines, also known as the “Triple Bottom line,” focuses on people, planet, profit.

What is Sustainability or the Triple Bottom Line Framework?


This policy refers to the unethical practice of offering something of value in exchange for influence or action.

What is Anti- Bribery?


This limit is often set to control the maximum amount that can be spent on business-related meals daily without prior approval

What is $74


A thing of value given without expectation of payment, either by you to a third party, or by a third party to you

What is Gift


Employees being interviewed during an internal investigation must receive assurance of this, meaning no retaliation for participating.

What is Confidentiality or Protection from Retaliation?


The Sarbanes-Oxly Act was passed in 2022in response to this type of ethical failure in major corporations?

What is Corporate Fraud?


This policy provides guidance on the integrity in the work environment where people know how to report concerns and can do so without fear of retaliation against reporters or anyone who provides information in connection with an investigation.

What is the Speak Up and non-retaliation


You must get a rental car if a business trip requires travel beyond what mile radius from your office location?

What is 150 mile radius 


Material information, as defined, which is not generally available to the investing public. This can be obtained from many different sources, and includes information obtained confidentially during the course of employment/association from research, customers and suppliers

What is Inside Information


This type of document is created at the conclusion of an internal investigation, summarizing findings and recommended actions.

What is an Investigation Report?


In corporate ethics, this term refers to practices that appear to be ethical, but are actual superficial and intended to be deceitful. 

What is "ethics washing" or "greenwashing"?


This policy creates limits intended to avoid the appearance of such conflicts in our workplace.

What is the Gifts Policy?


The maximum gratuity that is reimbursable

What is 20%


A thing of value that is given with expectation that another thing of value being given in return.

What is Quid Pro Quo


In legal terms, this is the standard that internal investigators use to determine if misconduct likely occurred.

What is the Preponderance of Evidence?