True or False
Zoom the Beautiful
At Your Desk

How do you show your teachers that you have a question?

Put your thumb on your heart.


My video should be on at all times during the school day.


(UNLESS we are playing a game in class where you have to turn your video off when you are called out.)


Should I put up a virtual background during the school day?

No, I should not.

However, on special holidays my teachers may give me permission to use a fun virtual background (such as Blue & Silver games, Christmas Parties, and Encouragement Day).


What kind of pencil should be at your desk? 


A sharpened pencil with an eraser.


Whose Zoom do we join for Assembly?

Ms. Misty's!


How do you sit Prism Professional? 

- Sitting straight & tall

- Eyes forward on the teacher

- Face, shoulders, & Prism logo in the camera


I should stay on mute during class, but I can unmute to tell my teacher a SUPER interesting story while she's speaking.


If you have something to share, put your thumb on your heart and wait for your teacher to call on you.


When should you use Zoom reactions? 

You can use the heart, smile, surprise, thumbs up, clapping, or celebration emoji any time in class to show the speaker you are tracking what they are sharing.

You may NOT use any other emoji reactions.


What should you have at your desk with your whiteboard?

A working whiteboard marker! 


Who is the Dean of Students at Prism?

Ms. Caitlin!

How do you show your teachers that you need to use the restroom?

Fingers crossed together by your shoulder (not in front of the camera).


I should only use the chat when I have something to tell my teacher that I can't share in front of the whole class. 


We like to hear from each other. If you have something to share, put your thumb on your heart and share it with the whole class unless it would embarrass a fellow classmate. 

Can I wear Zoom effects on my face during class?

(Hats, mustaches, animal emojis, lip colors, etc.)

NO. No Zoom effects are permitted during class time.


How many notebooks should you have at your desk?



- Math

- Accelerate


Who will teach us Writing Workshop?

Ms. Kristi!


Show us how you can show your classmates that you are listening to them while they are sharing.

- Eyes forward, tracking the speaker

- Nodding

- Smiling

- Thumbs up

- Zoom reaction (heart, celebration, clapping hands)


My teacher doesn't mind if I get up and leave my chair without asking.


Your teachers need to know where you are at all times. If you need to get up, you need to get permission first. :) 


Should I intentionally make balloons or fireworks pop up on my screen during class?


Sometimes it will happen unintentionally (even to your teachers!) but let's be respectful to our classmates and teachers by staying focused and avoiding these effects in class.

How many snacks should you have at your desk? 

None! Your Campus Coordinator will give you a snack when it's appropriate during the day, but you should not keep any snacks at your desk.


Now we call our epic team games...

(HINT: No longer gray)

Blue and Silver Games!


Show me (or tell me) the SIX things that you should have at your desk every day!

1. Class books - ELA, Math, and Accelerate

2. Notebooks - ELA, Math, Accelerate

3. Sharpened pencil with an eraser

4. Whiteboard

5. Whiteboard marker (that works!)

6. Supply box or coloring supplies


My teacher will count be absent if my video is off or I cannot be seen in my camera.


If you are not sitting Prism Professional in class, your teacher WILL count you absent.


When would it be an appropriate time to use Zoom effects and filters during class?

Only when your teacher specifically tells your class that you have permission to use them. 

For instance, you may have a classmate who is sick and absent during a class party and you might record a fun, class video to share with them!


How many toys should I keep in/at my desk?

None. :) As fun as toys are, they should be put away both at home and on campus, during class time.


How many students are there in the 3rd-5th grade?
