Front Desk/Admin
Daily Activities
What do I do?
Client Centered Care

What are the things that you need to review with a client when checking them in for their session?

1) Full name
2) Date of birth
3) Address
4) Phone number
5) Current Insurance
6) Copay/Current Balance


What are items that need to be set up/ turned on/ checked on in the morning?

1) Sound Machines
2) Lights
3) Check the urine fridge temp
4) Check medication fridge temp


Help my client is voicing suicidal and/or homicidal thoughts. 

1) Talk to them
2) Identify the thoughts and if plan and or intent
3) Contact the staff member above you for further direction


What should be done during a fire evacuation?

Leave all personal items, take client and self down stairs in the back or upfront.  Ensure evacuation door sign is on the door as you close it. Team will check both staffing and current visitor and client sign-in's to ensure all parties are present. 


What does CCBHC mean?

Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic


What is the intake note?  What are the questions that are on this? 

The intake note is the initial note that taken when we call the individual.  Questions include Name, insurance, what type of eval and the reason for the eval, if they are on MAT if so who is perscribing; do they want MAT from FLACRA.  Is this an emergency; do they need a COTI peer today?  Do they need a same day appointment?


What is the percentage of your daily work schedule that is accountable for productivity. 

Clinicians - 80% 

Seniors - 75%


Help, My Client is homeless or stating they will be homeless?

Refer to CCBHC, DSS and Caremanagement for services. 


What should you do in an Active threat situation?

Call 911 As soon as possible. 



What does CCBHC intend to address?

Managing and caring for the client holistically. 


When should we answer the phone?  What happens to the call if we do not answer?

Every time.  If we don't answer it forwards to clifton and if they don't answer it forwards back to leave a voicemal. 


What is supposed to be done daily prior to leaving for the day?

1) All progress notes
2) Productivity Tracker


What should I do if client is no showing and not responding to phone calls. 

attempt again.  

Have COTI attempt to attain contact. 


What is our Incident Reporting policy?  What do we need to report for incident reporting?  What are the steps for incident reporting?

If a situation requires police or further intervention then there is a need to report this but needs to go to management first.
CPS calls; police calls; ambulance calls; overdoses; suicide attempts; deaths of individuals; fire alarms; safety concerns; etc.
1) take care of the incident
2) call and talk to management
3) complete first part of incident report
4) send to incident reporting team and cc director. 


When do we need a release?

Any time we want to contact and talk to someone regarding a client. (Exceptions are CPS mandated reporter line, Justice center line, police). 


Why is the front door locked?  Is it allowed to propped?

No and Safety concerns 


What is a mandatory activity scheduled daily?

Huddle, Team Meeting and MDT


How long is a patient supposed to have an open chart till it is discharged/transferred?

30 days when in referral and in intake
60 days when admitted

There are exceptions to this and should be reviewed with director/leadership


 What is the process and procedure when someone comes to the clinic (staff; client; family member; community member)?

1) Buzz them in
2) Ask who the individual is
3) If client have them sign in
4) If FLACRA staff, family member, parent, or community member they must sign the visitor log. 


When should a client be seeing a Nurse? 

1) At initial assessment

2) Before every medication appointment
3) Every 3-6 months
4) additional RN individual apts for nicotine cessation etc. 

When should we request a payment?

Every time they come in unless a payment plan has been determined. 


How often should you be checking your timecard?

What are the rules regarding your timecard and working hours?

1) Daily but it is submitted every two weeks by Sunday at 10 am. 

2) (a) if work 6+ hours then a lunch break is required for a minimum of 30 minutes. 

(b) do not go over 40 hours in a week time frame. We cannot approve overtime at this time for the most part unless helping ACC or Residential. 

(c) Need to clock in and out for lunch and day-to-day working and/or switching different billing codes. 

(e) You cannot work from home... if you do you need to tell your director/supervisor


What is the process when you need to not come in one day?  How long can you be out till you need a doctors note?

Call the director - not just text but call. 

2 days then you need a dr note


What are the rules regarding youth in the waiting room. 

No one below the age of 13 years old in the waiting room alone. 


How do we do a treatment plan?  What is a SMART Goal?  What is the difference between Goal and Objective and Method

SMART - Specific; measurable; attainable; realistic; timetable

Goal - client stated goal
Objective - SMART Goal
Method - how are we going to do this work