Step by step instructions of what to do during weather, state, federal emergencies.
What is the Emergency Prepardness Plan Policy
TAY needs to sign permissions and do a CSSRS-Assessment.
Intake Policy
The Agency electronic platform for TAY file.
The Great Eight
Each resident will be assigned an evening to cook dinner. The resident will be responsible for planning and cooking this dinner.
Kitchen, Meals, Room Refrigerators
Our exterminator
Residents admitted to The NFI Lofts will have, in advance of intake, written evidence that placement is the most appropriate plan and that written authority to place has been obtained. Such evidence shall include the following written documentation:
Screening and Interview Procedure
Community Action and The Emmaus are part of this policy.
Family, Community, and Workplace Connections
This agreement will be binding until the resident terminates their lease with The Lofts.
The NFI Lofts Plan and Agreement
This criteria must be met in order to have a vehicle and receive a parking sticker:
Vehicle Use Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish minimum standards necessary to minimize employee risk while performing the duties of their job in the community, and to ensure a workplace conducive to personal safety and security, free from intimidation, and/or threats, and/or violent acts.
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy
Upon admission, the life skills coach will use the Tracking Form in order to ensure that assessments and meetings occur on or before they are due. The Life Skills Coach will ensure the resident completes the following: Youth Readiness Tool, CRAFFT screening tool, The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5), The University of Connecticut Racial/Ethnic Stress & Trauma Scale (UnRESTS) and the Eco-Map to capture the resident’s strengths and needs in various domains related to independent living.
THe Lofts Intake Process
These meetings are conducted by The Department of Children and Families (DCF) every 6- months.
Foster Care Review
It is the responsibility that the resident keeps their door locked when they are not in the building.
Security and Keys
Violence in The NFI Lofts or violence in the community. This includes aggressive behaviors towards The Lofts employees, neighbors, or visitors in the building, destruction of property. Intimidation/threats of aggression towards, employees, neighbors, other residents, or members of the community, that pose an immediate safety risk
Unplanned Discharge
In the event of a power outage the employee will notify the program director and/or designee to develop a plan-
Emergency Preparedness Plan
One type of visual tool, which provides useful information about a resident and his/her connections to the external world.
A clear benefit of a large organization with a broad service array is the diversity and depth of our internal clinical resources. We expect clinicians with specialized expertise to be available to help other programs when needed. For example, we routinely engage the services of our Medical Director, Dr. D’Angelo.
Youth With Special Needs Policy
The resident will fill their medication into the 7-day pill planner containers. The program director/or designee will visually monitor the resident to assess that they complete this per the prescription,.
NFI Lofts Medication Policy
Each year the program manager will provide a written evaluation for each employee. Employees will be asked to self-evaluate and combined with the program manager will develop an annual evaluation.
Meeting, Supervision, Evaluation
These policies need to be updated annually.
Workplace Violence Prevention and Policy, Integrated Pest Management, Emergency Preparedness Plan
Upon a month of placement and quarterly thereafter, the resident’s treatment team meet, review, and assess the treatment plan, progress towards permanency, including reunification if indicated, and services provided to the resident and/or family or guardian
Treatment Plan Process and Review
Developing and utilizing your voice to obtain purpose and independence
The Lofts Mission Statement
We will use human experience language to the best of our ability and avoid labels and clinical language unless deemed necessary. We will follow the ARC model and help residents understand their trauma experience integration. (That their trauma is part of their story not their whole story.) Our goal is to maintain mutuality with residents to avoid power struggles and maintain a community “all as one”.
The NFI Loft Boundary Policy
Supervisor must meet with their supervisees twice per month
Agency standard on Staff Supervision