When can students wear sports attire?
only during the sport season
How are the semester grades broken down?
Semester Grade
Semester 1: 40% Quarter 1 Grade + 40% Quarter 2 Grade+ 20% of Final Exam Grade
Semester 2: 40% Quarter 3 Grade + 40% Quarter 4 Grade+ 20% of Final Exam Grade
what happens on a test day?
Tests will be given after about 3 sections in a unit. The end of the semester finals will be a total accumulation of concepts learned throughout the semester. You can not use your notes on tests. There is no curve or regrade on the test. Make sure you study. For your final if you have less than 2 missing assignments for the semester you can use your notebook.
What can students wear if its cold?
Long sleeves under HAST shirt or HAST
sweat shirt
How do you know about assignments?
Homework and other assignments are due with the due date posted on google classroom or on the whiteboard. It is your job to submit your assignments on time.
Where should should electronic devices be at the beginning of class?
Put away! That means ear buds, cell phones, and iPads.
How many tardy will you then get written up?
On your forth tardy
What happens to late work? How long do you have to complete it?
Any assignment that is not turned in on time is considered late. If it is late, it will be 50% off after the assignment is graded.
You have one week to complete it for half credit.
When can you go to the bathroom and where is the hall pass?
You can go if no one else is in the bathroom. You can grab the blue car and u must bring it back. If you gone for an unusually long time I will get an administrator to find you. Please try to not go during class.
Where do we go in a fire drill?
When the alarm is sounded, students are to line up by PAIRS and promptly leave the building following the proper exit routes. Teachers make sure to have your clipboard with current class rosters with you. When the all-clear signal is given, everyone is to return in an orderly manner.
Proceed to Southwest stairwell and exit Door M and line up along the south side of the parking lot
What is the make up policy for absences?
You will need to email me, see me after class, before/after school to find out your missing work from when you were absent.
It is the student’s responsibility to go to the teacher to get assignments after any absence. The teachers will inform the student of the time for all make-up work. The number of excused absences plus one will be allowed for make-up work, including tests.
is the student’s responsibility to go to the teacher to get assignments after any absence. The teachers will inform the student of the time for all make-up work. The number of excused absences plus one will be allowed for make-up work, including tests.
Where can I sit in class?
I really do not care, as long as you do not make it an issue. That means, if you are being disruptive or if you are not focused where you are at I will change your seat.
Where do we go for a tornado drill?
Southwest stairway
What are quiz expectations?
Quizzes: Expect quizzes after major topics or sections in the course. It is your responsibility to make up your quiz the next day after being absent. If you were absent multiple days then those days will be accounted for in the retake, plus one. If you go past your deadline then it is a zero in grade book. If you are habitually absent on quiz days this will be needed for a conference with the Dean, Parent, and teacher. You can use your notes on your quizzes. Quizzes get made up before, at lunch, or after school.
What should I do when I first get to class?
What should I do when I do with my work and the lesson is over?
Get out your homework and notebook. Put the date on your notebook and answer the do now.
You should complete your exit ticket, work on homework, and wait for the teacher to dismiss you. Please do not get up and walk around.