Famous Cases in Canada
Political Thinkers
Law, Criminal Code, and Charter of Rights and Freedoms
World Politics

What case about abortion rights was recently reviewed and overturned in 2022 in the United States of America?

Roe v. Wade


Who coined the term “an unjust law is no law at all”?

St. Thomas Augustine


What are the three branches of government in Canada?

Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary


All of Canada uses the British common law system except Quebec. What is the legal system that Quebec uses to resolve private matters?

Civil Law


What is the war between Ukraine and Russia about (main issue)?

Territorial disputes


What is the name of the case that led to the creation of the test for "reasonable limits"?

R v. Oakes


Who proposed Social Contract Theory and that people should be restrained by the state?

Thomas Hobbes


What are the two legislative bodies in the Canadian government

House of Commons and the Senate


What was the original name of the Constitution Act and what year was it created?

The British North America (BNA) Act 1867


What was the period of time that marked extreme tension between the United States and the Soviet Union as well as their allies?

The Cold War


What is the name of the 1988 famous Canadian SCC case that legalized abortions in Canada?

R v. Morgentaler


Who believed that humans are inherently good and cannot do wrong and that we must remove private property?

Jean Jacques Rousseau


What was the purpose of the 1995 Quebec Referendum?

To separate Quebec from the rest of Canada


What sections of the Constitution Act lay out the divisions of power and responsibilities of the federal and provincial legislative authorities?

Sections 91 and 92


What is the meaning of Brexit and what does it entail?

Brexit was the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union


What is the name of the famous case relating to property and ownership of a fox in 1805 in Canada?

Pierson v. Post


Who revitalized and spread the idea of cosmopolitanism originally proposed by Cynic Diogenes in the 4th century?

Anthony Appiah


What is Canada’s electoral system and what is the electoral system in the US?

First past the post and popular vote/Electoral college


What does section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantee?

The right to “life, liberty, and security of person”.


Who are/were the main actors of the War in Afghanistan that started in 2001?

Taliban/Al-Qaeda, the United States of America, International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) under NATO which later became Resolute Support Mission (RSM)


What famous case established that treaty rights are subject to Canadian law, but not provincial licensing?

R v. Marshall


Which famous philosopher compared himself to a gadfly?



What is the name of the Quebec Premier and Attorney General involved in the case relating to revoking a person’s liquor license and abusing his authority?

Maurice Duplessis


In the preamble to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, it states “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize __________ and __________''. What goes in the blanks?

The Supremacy of God AND The Rule of Law


Who are the main actors involved in the Kashmir Conflict and what is the main issue?

India and Pakistan are the main actors and the issue revolves around territorial disputes from the 1947 partition of the two countries.