Abundant Boundaries
Nation vs. State
State Shapes
Theory Enthusiasm
State the State
What is a boundary that follows an agreed-upon feature in the physical geographic landscape?
What is physical-political boundary? OR What is natural-political boundary?
What is a nation (with political aspirations) without sovereignty over its homeland?
What is a stateless-nation?
In this type of state, the distance from the center to any boundary does not vary significantly and it is considered the most effective shape.
What is compact state?
The process of redrawing legislative boundaries for ht epurpose of benefitting the party in power is known as what?
What is gerrymandering?
What was the first black African colony to become independent in 1960?
What is Ghana?
What is a political boundary placed by powerful outsiders on a developed human landscape that usually ignores pre-existing cultural-spatial patterns?
What is superimposed boundary?
What is a politically organized body of people under a single government that share similar traits and cultural preferences?
What is nation-state?
Provide an example of an elongated state.
What is Chile, Argentina, Vietnam, Panama, Norway, Italy, OR Malawi?
The political theory that if one nation comes under communist control then neighboring nations will also come under communist control refers to which theory?
What is the Domino Theory?
Provide an example of a European country that saw themselves as a separate nation within another state or empire, launched successful separatist movements and achieved independece.
What is Ireland, Norway, OR Poland?
What is a political boundary that existed before the cultural landscape emerged and stayed in place while people moved in to occupy the surrounding area?
What is a antecedent boundary?
A cultural unit (homeland) exists across the boundaries of more than one political unit refers to what?
What is a multi-state nation?
An otherwise compact state with a large projecting extension (such as Burma) refers to what state shape?
What is prorupted state?
Provide two examples of semi-periphery countries according to the Wallerstein word-systems theory.
What is Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, China, Egypt, Finland, Greece, India, Indonesia, Israel, Iran, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Nigeria, Norway, Taiwan, Turkey, Venezuela, AND/OR Zaire?
What continent was the model of the nation-state modeled after?
What is Europe?
In the process of creating boundaries, the actual placing of a political boundary on the landscape by means of barriers, fences, walls, or other markers is defined as what?
What is boundary demarcation?
Name two requirments for a political entity to be called a state.
What is a defined territory, self-governed, permanent population, AND/OR recognized by a significant amount of countries as its own state?
What state perforates South Africa?
What is Lesotho?
What are the three main components of the Heartland Theory?
What is 1) who rules East Europe commands the Heartland, 2) who rules the Heartland controls the World Island, 3) who rules the world-island rules the world?
A treaty negotiated in 1648 to end the Thirty Years' War (Europe's most destrutive internal struggle over relgion) that contained new language recognizing statehood and nationhood, clearly defined borders, and guarentees of security refers to what?
What is Peace of Westphalia?
What is the difference between a natural boundary and a geometric boundary?
Geometric boundaries are straight lines that are unrelated to physical and/or cultural differences (e.g. latitude and longitude) whereas natural boundaries follow pre-existing natural landscape (e.g. Rio Grande).
Name one strategy used by multi-nation states for unifying countries and provide an example.
What is maintain central control (Yugoslavia under Tito, UK prior to Irish independence, Iraq under Suddam)? OR What is devolution (Spain- Basques and Catalans, Belgium- Walloons and Flemish)?
Name two disadvantages that landlocked states have.
What is lack of seaport, higher costs of international cargo transportation, AND/OR harder to defend from surrounding countries?
How did the Rimland Theory majorly differ from the Heartland Theory
What is the Rimland Theory focused on coastal and maritime domination whereas the Heartland Theory focused on land domination for world conquest?
Which two nations are fighting over the desire to control the significant city of Transylvania because of its important history?
What are Hungarians and Romanians?