Republican Candidates
Strange States
In the News
Democratic Candidates
Campaign Slogans
This candidate first offered his theory about the pyramids being built to store grain in 1998 but it made headline news in the 2016 election
Who is Ben Carson
This state is voting on a proposition that would require the use of condoms and other protective measures during the filming of pornographic films.
What is California
This debate became the most-watched in the history of American politics with 84 million viewers.
What was the 2016 1st Presidential Debate
This democratic candidate is well know to put hot sauce on almost everything they eat.
Who is Hillary Clinton
The slogan, "Change We Can Believe In," was the cornerstone of this successful presidential winner.
Who is Barack Obama
This candidate proclaimed that, should he win, he "will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."
Who is Donald Trump
This battleground state has not voted Democratic in a presidential election since 1964.
What is Utah
This FBI Director went against longstanding Justice Department and FBI practice to not comment publicly about politically sensitive investigations within 60 days of an election.
Who is James Comey
This democratic candidate once starred in their own video game to help their 2006 senate run.
Who is Bernie Sanders
The phrase "It's the economy, stupid," became a defacto slogan of this successful 1992 campaign.
Who is Bill Clinton
This candidate literally took a chainsaw to the US tax code in an online video to draw attention to his tax reform proposals.
Who is Rand Paul
This central US state is voting to reinstate the death penalty that was repealed in 2015.
What is Nebraska
This news outlet broke the story of Trump saying he can grab women in the genitals.
Who is the Washington Post
This former Rhode Island governor was the first democratic candidate to drop from the 2016 presidential race.
Who is Jim Webb
The television ad known as "It's morning again in American," helped clinch this overwhelming presidential win in 1984.
Who is Ronald Reagan
This Texas governor was the first Republican to drop from the presidential race.
Who is Rick Perry
This mid-western state is voting to LOWER the minimum wage from $8.55 to $7.50 for non-tipped employees under the age of 18.
What is South Dakota
This is the date of 2017 inauguration.
What is January 20th 2017
This 2016 democratic candidate inspired a character on the HBO drama series, "The Wire."
Who is Martin O'Malley
The 1932 song "Happy days are here again," was a last minute change in this persons overwhelming presidential win and marked the first time a pre-existing song was chosen for a campaign.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt
This candidate has faced criticism from some of his rivals for the number of Senate votes he's missed during his presidential campaign.
Who is Marco Rubio
This state currently allows slavery or "involuntary servitude" as a punishment for a crime. This election they are voting to remove that exception and completely ban slavery and "involuntary servitude."
What is Colorado
These two states split up their electoral votes rather than give one candidate all or nothing.
What is Nebraska and Maine
This 2016 democratic candidate used to be a republican until he switched to Independent in 2007. He switched again to the the democratic party in 2012.
Who is Lincoln Chafee
The campaign song "Tippecanoe and Tyler too," was a popular and influential aid to this whig party's candidate winning the 1840 presidential election.
Who is William Henry Harrison