Nations & States
Shapes of States
Political Regions & Organizations
Grab Bag

Forces which bring together the people of a state

What is a Centripetal Force?


A state shaped generally like a circle, where the distance from the center to any boundary does not vary significantly.

What is Compact State?


Boundaries drawn before the cultural landscape is put into place.

What is an Antecedent Boundary?


The UN, EU, & AU is an example of a ______________.

What is a Supranational Organization?


A political system where the country is run in the interests of an individual ruler rather than the people.

What is Autocracy?


The ability of a state to govern its territory free from the control of others.

What is Sovereignty?


South Africa is this type of state because of the existence of Lesotho.

What is a Perforated State?


A zone separating two states in which neither state exercises political control.

What is a Frontier?


A political system that places power in a central government and its officials.

What is a Unitary Government (Unitary State)?


An attempt by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political, economic, and cultural principles in another country.

What is Colonialism?


Loyalty and identification to one's state and its goals above all others, a belief that one's state is superior.

What is Nationalism?


Thailand, The Democratic Republic of Congo, and Namibia are examples of a ________ state, since they each have a large, projecting extension.

What is Prorupted?


The Urals, Andes, and the Rockies are the features of the earth that form this boundary.

What is a Natural Boundary (Physical Boundary)?


The United States' government is an example of a _______________ that consists of a centralized government with strong powers allocated to local governments.

What is a Federal System (Federal State)?


The systematic use of violence by a group calculated to create an atmosphere of fear and alarm among a population.

What is Terrorism?


A political unit with an organized territory, clearly defined borders, a government, and sovereignty.

What is a State?


This type of state has communication and transportation problems due to its length and size.

What is an Elongated State?


A boundary that is established after settlement with an attempt to accommodate cultural differences.

What is a Subsequent Boundary?


This Trade Agreement was made in the 90s to promote exchange between the US, Canada, and Mexico.

What is NAFTA?


A state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity.

What is a Nation-State?


A state that contains two or more ethnic groups with traditions of self-determination.

What is a Multinational State?


Contrary to popular belief, The United States of America and Maldives are both this kind of state.

What is a Fragmented State?


A political boundary placed by powerful outsiders on a developed human landscape (ex: Europeans in Africa).

What is a Superimposed Boundary?


This organization was formed between oil-producing countries as a way to coordinate and stabilize the petroleum market.

What is OPEC?


A state that encompasses a very small land area.

What is a Microstate?