Political Parties
Voter Registration and Participation
Electoral College
This political party prefers small government, tend to be more conservative. It is the party of Abraham Lincoln and Mitt Romney?
What are the Republicans
This is the neighborhood in which you live
What is a precinct
This is the name of the people who cast ballots in the Electoral College
What are the electors
The U.S. Constitution says what about political parties
What is nothing
This is where you find the sides of issues Republicans and Democrats stand on
What is the party's platform
This party tends to prefer big government, tax increases for social programs. It is the party of FDR and Barack Obama
What are the Democrats
The two basic requirements to register to vote in the United States
What is 1) at least 18 years old or older, and 2) United States Citizen
This is what determines the number of electoral votes a state receives
What is congressional representation
In this type of primary only declared members of the party are allowed to vote for that party's nominees
What is a closed primary
Political organizations established by a corporation, labor union, or other special interest group designed to support candidates by contributing money are called
What is a Political Action Committee (PAC)
These parties introduce new ideas or emphasize a specific issue.
What are the third parties
The length of time you need to register to vote in the State of Florida
What is 25 days before an election
Most states except Maine and Nebraska, have this type of voting system
What is a winner-takes-all system
A way for citizens to propose new laws or constitutional amendments is called
What is an initiative
A ballot that allows a person to vote without going to the polls on Election Day is called
What is an absentee ballot
These are the four functions of political parties
What are 1) recruiting and nomination candidates, 2) educating the electorate, 3) helping candidates win elections, and 4) monitoring actions of office holders
These are the two main reasons why people don't vote
What is apathy (lack of interest) and failure to register
What is the magic number for a candidate to win the Electoral College
What is 270 out of 538
A way for citizens in some states to vote for a public official out of office
What is a recall election
These were barriers to voting for African Americans the late 19th century and later
What are poll taxes, and black codes
This system came about because of the struggle over ratifying the Constitution; the rivalry between Jefferson and Hamilton, and the single member district system?
What is the two party system
Three groups of people not allowed to vote
What are the 1) imprisoned, 2) mentally handicap, and 3) immgrants
What is the purpose of the popular vote in the Electoral College
What is to determine the electors that will cast the ballots on behave of their state
A way for citizens to take action on a proposal by the state legislator
What is a referendum
The problem with only using campaign literature to become informed on on candidates
What is bias