Political Parties
The Electoral College
The Media

These are the two major political parties in the United States.

What are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party?


This is the age that you must be on or before Election Day to vote in the United States.

What is 18 years old?


The Electoral College process is used to officially do this.

What is elect the President and Vice President of the United States?


These are the 2 types of media that we discussed.

What are print and electronic media?


United States political campaign costs are very ______

What is high?


Both of the two major political parties have this goal regarding elections.

What is to win/to win a majority of the votes/to influence public policy/to reflect both liberal and conservative views?


These are the 3 requirements to be eligible to vote in Virginia.

What is being 18 years or older on or before Election Day, being a resident of the state and the precinct, and being a U.S. citizen?


This is the name for when everyone who is registered to vote, votes. This also determines the slate of electors that get to cast their official votes for President and Vice President.

What is the popular vote?


As a group, these 4 things are called... (1 - Identifying candidates, 2 - emphasizing selected issues, 3 - writing editorials, creating political cartoons, and publishing op-eds, and 4 - broadcasting different points of view).

What are the roles of the media?


This is the vocab term for having a lack of interest, particularly in politics. This is a reason that eligible people do not vote in the United States.

What is apathy?


An example of this function of political parties is when the Republican Party selects their candidate for the upcoming general election. 

What is recruiting and nominating candidates?


Generally, voter turnout is much higher in these types of elections. 

What are general elections?


The number of Senators plus the number of Representatives equals this number.

What is Congressional representation/a state's electoral votes?


This is the term for favoring one side over the others.

What is bias?


Moderates decide who to vote for based on _____

What are specific issues?


While candidates for these types of parties have done well in local and state elections, few have done well in national elections.

What are third party candidates?


You used to have to do this 22 days before an election in Virginia to be able to vote. 

What is registering?


Because of the Electoral College system, candidates tend to target these types of states.

What are larger states/more populated states/states with more electoral votes?


This is what people are better able to do once they have looked at multiple sources in the news and have gotten all sides of the story.

What is being able to form their own opinions?


The main role that Political Action Committees (PACs) play in political campaigns is...

What is funding/paying for campaigns?


This is where most voters in the United States are on the political spectrum. It is also the group of people that most politicians should spend most of their time targeting when campaigning.

What is the middle of the political spectrum/moderates?


This is the amendment that gave women the right to vote.

What is the 19th Amendment?


This is the name of the system that Maine and Nebraska have in the Electoral College.

What is a split/proportional system?


This is the name for a type of source that is the most reliable because it is not associated with a political party.

What is a non-partisan source?


This is what Ms. Castle said at the beginning of the review session. This is the most important thing you can do during your test.

What is trying your best?