The British imposed this 1765 tax to raise funds to pay for the defense of the colonies.
What is the Stamp Act?
This intellectual movement inspired the political revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries.
What is the Enlightenment?
Before the French Revolution, society was divided into these social groups.
What are the three estates (or classes)?
After seizing power in France, Napoleon led his army in these military activities across Europe.
What are military campaigns?
This revolutionary leader fought for the independence of New Granada.
Who is Simón Bolívar?
This foundational U.S. document ensures that the law applies equally to everyone, including the president.
What is the U.S. Constitution?
Enlightenment ideas about democracy were influenced by these two ancient civilizations.
What are ancient Greece and Rome?
During the Reign of Terror, France transitioned from a monarchy to this form of government.
What is a republic?
This leader of a combined rebellion of enslaved people helped establish the independent nation of Haiti.
Who is Toussaint L’Ouverture?
Most revolutionary leaders in South America came from this social group—people of Spanish ancestry born in America.
What are Creoles?
During the American Revolution, this European country supported the colonists to weaken British power.
What is France?
John Locke’s version of the social contract differed from Thomas Hobbes’ because it was conditional on this.
What is the ruler protecting the people’s interests?
This document declared that "men are born free and equal in rights" during the French Revolution.
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?
Napoleon’s invasion of Portugal forced this royal family to flee and rule from Brazil.
Who is the Portuguese royal family?
This radical Creole priest inspired a nationalist uprising of Indians and mestizos in Mexico.
Who is Miguel Hidalgo?
This plan of government, written after much debate and compromise, divided power among three branches.
What is the U.S. Constitution?
This English document challenged the divine right of kings by using laws to exclude Catholics from inheriting the throne.
What is the English Bill of Rights?
Napoleon maintained the appearance of popular sovereignty by doing this to restore the monarchy.
What is having the French people vote?
Napoleon used these to make the people believe they had a say in restoring the monarchy.
What are popular votes (or plebiscites)?
Napoleon’s invasion of Portugal caused this significant shift in the Portuguese empire’s rule.
What is the royal family fleeing to Brazil?
This significant battle during the American Revolution persuaded the French to provide active help to the colonists.
What is the Battle of Saratoga?
This revolution led to the establishment of Europe's first constitutional monarchy which limited the power of the king.
What is the Glorious Revolution?
Members of the Estates-General claimed that they had the authority to govern France by creating this assembly.
What is the National Assembly?
The French Revolution and Napoleon's reign encouraged the growth of this ideology across much of Europe.
What is nationalism?
This leader invaded Spain and weakened Spanish control over its colonies.
This historical pamphlet, written by Thomas Paine, persuaded many colonists to support independence.
What is "Common Sense"?
Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau developed this idea that defined the relationship between people and their rulers.
In the years before the French Revolution, France faces financial troubles partly due to helping this revolution.
What is the American Revolution?
This law, adopted in 1804, upheld the equality of citizens.
What is the Naploeanic Code?
Revolutions in South America spread from Buenos Aires to Chile to and Peru under the leadership of this person.
Who is José de San Martin?