Politics can be defined who gets
What is the what, when, how, and why?
This is achieved when there is a fair distribution of opportunities, resources, and rights
What is social justice?
This philosopher argued that active political participation is required to achieve full human potential
Who is Aristotle?
This person recently said "they're eating the dogs and cats."
Who is Donald Trump?
DAILY DOUBLE!! These two types of rules refer to formal and informal
What is de jure and de facto?
This term focuses on the protection of the individual, not the welfare of society in general
What is Libertarianism?
This philosopher argued the people themselves should pass laws that secure the general will
Who is Rousseau?
In professional sports, the term G.O.A.T. stands for?
What is the Greatest Of All Time?
This term refers to institutions with recognized legal, legitimate authority to use power in a given geographic region
What are governments?
DAILY DOUBLE!! The human tendency to believe things we want to, but reject those that don't fit that narrative
What is motivated reasoning?
John Stuart Mill advocated this principle that government must protect each individual's liberty as long as it does not harm others
What is the harm principle?
This rapper known for his album, "good kid, m.A.A.d city," performed at the Super Bowl this year.
Who is Kendrick Lamar?
This term allows individuals to think and act without government interference
What are civil liberties?
The end goal of Marxist ideas is
What is a communist state?
These type of leaders attempt to centralize power and rule by authority
Who are authoritarian leaders?
At Comicon, the Marvel Cinematic Universe recently announced their new villain to replace Kang the Conqueror.
Who is Dr. Doom?
This term refers to a collective action problem where people benefit from resources without paying for them
What is the free rider problem?
The best individual decision in the Prisoner's Dilemma is
What is defect (betray the other player)?
This type of extremism has seen an increase recently due to political instability
What is religious extremism?
Observers jokingly note that this particular release showed promises of "world peace" during the summer of 2016.
What is Pokémon GO?