Health-related Services
Marginalised communities

Which of these presentations would be appropriately managed at a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic? 

A) A 70M presenting with SOB & no significant past medical history. 

B) A 60F presenting with back pain with associated numbness & muscle weakness

C) A 23M presenting with a burn blister on his left hand.

D) A 44F presenting with rashes & SOB after an insect bite.

C) A 23M presenting with a burn blister on his left hand.


What are THREE population-level screening tests used in Australia? 

  • National Bowel Cancer Screening Program

  • National BreastScreen Australia Program

  • National Cervical Screening Program

  • Newborn Bloodspot Screening

  • Newborn Hearing Screening


In which year did the NSW premier sign the new National Agreement on Closing the Gap?

A) June 2019

B) August 2019

C) July 2020

D) August 2020

C) July 2020


What is an “access block” in the context of Emergency Medicine? 

A) Access block occurs when a physician cannot see patients in the emergency department within 30 minutes of arrival due to high patient volume.

B) Access block refers to the delay experienced by patients in the emergency department who require specialised diagnostic tests that are not immediately available.

C) Access block describes the situation where emergency patient transfer is delayed due to a lack of inpatient bed capacity.

D) Access block is the delay in the transfer of patients from the emergency department to other healthcare facilities, such as rehabilitation centres, due to administrative issues.

C) Access block describes the situation where emergency patient transfer is delayed due to a lack of inpatient bed capacity.


What is the PBS Safety Net Threshold? 

A) The maximum annual cost a patient can incur before receiving PBS medicines at a reduced price or for free for the remainder of the year.

B) The total number of PBS prescriptions a patient can receive in a calendar year before they must pay the full price.

C) The annual income limit under which patients are eligible for free PBS medicines.

D) The highest amount a patient can be charged for a single PBS prescription.

A) The maximum annual cost a patient can incur before receiving PBS medicines at a reduced price or for free for the remainder of the year.


Do all asylum seekers and refugees in Australia have access to Medicare benefits? 

A) Yes, they have access to medicare benefits 

B) No, not all of them have access to medicare benefits 

B) No, not all of them have access to medicare benefits


What are THREE possible reasons why GPs may prefer not to use TeleHealth?

  • Availability of physical examination/tests

  • Opportunity to deliver a physical intervention

  • Availability of visual cues

  • IT skills of patients

  • Data speed/connection quality

  • Audio quality difficulties

  • Availability of internet access

  • Access to IT support to set up systems

  • Access to ongoing IT support/troubleshooting

  • Establishing rapport


What are TWO medications that were recently or are currently in short supply nationwide? 

2023 Shortages - amoxicillin, cefalexin and metronidazole. 

Other shortages include ozempic, vyvanse, abatacept.


How many transgender people in NSW have difficulty accessing gender-affirming treatments and care?

A) 1 out of 2 (50%)

B) 1 out of 4 (25%)

C) 3 out of 4 (75%)

D) 4 out of 4 (100%)

C) 3 out of 4 (75%)


What percentage of Australian GPs bulk-bill to ALL patients? 

A) 23.6% 

B) 34.5% 

C) 46.8%

A) 23.6%


What is the target rate for immunisation coverage for children aged 1,2 & 5?

A) 100%

B) 97.5% 

C) 95%

D) 90%

C) 95%


In 2020-2021, the life expectancy of persons living in Greater Sydney was 84.3 years. What was the life expectancy of those living outside of metropolitan areas? 

A) 81.7 years 

B) 82.2 years

C) 85.2 years 

D) 85.5 years 

A) 81.7 years