What is the idea that people give up some of their rights in the government for an agreement to protect their God-Given rights of Life, Liberty and Property?
Social Contract
In what city was the Declaration of Independence signed?
Who had more power in the Articles of Confederation, the Federal Government or the States?
Where the New Jersey plan wanted equal representation in Congress in the new Constitution, which plan wanted representation based off of population size?
Virginia Plan
This enlightened philosopher believed people were naturally evil and needed an absolute monarch to rule them as long as they followed the social contract
Thomas Hobbes
On what date was the Declaration of Independence signed?
July 4th, 1776
Each station in the Articles of Confederation received how many votes?
What was the name given to the group of people who followed Alexander Hamilton's beliefs of a strong, federal government lead by the elites
What was the name given to the compromise that created a bicameral legislature (2 houses of Congress), one based off of population and the other where every state has equal representation (2 senators)
The Great Compromise
This enlightened philosopher created the idea of the three branches of government and checks and balances
Baron De Montesquieu
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
The federal government could not regulate commerce and collect what from the states?
Thomas Jefferson favored the common folk and said this person was among the most important for the future of America
Who was the leader of the Constitutional Convention?
This Enlightened Philosopher created the idea of the Social Contract
Jean Jacques Rousseau
There are three unalienable rights listed in the Declaration of Independence. What are they?
Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness
This rebellion over payment for service in the American Revolution in Massachusetts signaled a call for revising the Articles of Confederation
Shay's Rebellion
Thomas Jefferson was an Anti-Federalists. The beliefs of him and his fellow founding fathers would serve as the political beliefs for which first American political party
When it came to representation of slaves in America under the new Constitution, which clause created the total number which slaves counted for representation in population?
Three/Fifths Compromise
The Enlightened Philosophers often debated how people would behave in a place of no laws or social structures. What is this state called?
State of Nature
In the grievances section of the Declaration, the colonists address "He" and a series of abuses of power. Who is "He?"
King George III of England
What was the only branch of government that was written into the Articles of Confederation
Alexander Hamilton was able to pass the National Bank utilizing which clause in the new Constitution
Necessary and Proper clause
What are the first three words to open up the U.S. Constitution?
We the People ...