Public Administration
This person is considered a "mother" of the Civil Rights Movement.
Who is Rosa Parks?
This organization represents people over the age of 50 and is a powerful lobbying force in Washington.
What is the AARP?
The Supreme Court decisions determined that separate is equal.
What is Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896?
This process provides a public forum for people to express their opinions about a given topic.
What is a public hearing?
These online publications and the people who write them have contributed to increasing immediacy of the news and a reduction in the influence of professional journalism.
What are blogs and bloggers?
This person is the third most powerful person in Colorado state government.
Who is President of the Senate, Morgan Carroll?
This group sets the budget for the State of Colorado.
What is the Joint Budget Committee (JBC)?
This Supreme Court decision reversed Plessy v. Ferguson and found that separate is never equal.
What is Brown v. Topeka Board of Education, 1954?
These statements detail where an organization wants to be in the future and how it plans to get there.
What are vision and mission statements?
This invisible barrier prohibits women and people of color from progressing in their chosen careers beyond a certain point.
What is a glass ceiling?
This person video-tapped the Rodney King beating and gave the tape to the media.
Who is George Halliday?
This group represents Colorado City and County Managers.
What is the Colorado City County Management Association (CCCMA)?
This court decision mandated "one person, one vote".
What is Baker v. Carr, 1962?
This type of city or town establishes its own charter and determines its own laws.
What is a home rule city or town?
This document accompanies each piece of proposed legislation and estimates the cost of implementation of the legislation for the jurisdiction.
What is a fiscal note?
This person disclosed that all President Nixon's conversations were taped.
Who is Alexander Butterfield?
This organization helps Colorado's small and/or rural local governments with technical assistance, educational programs, and a variety of financial resources.
What is the Colorado Department of Local Affairs?
This Colorado amendment requires a vote of the people when a governing body wants to raise taxes in excess of growth and inflation rates.
What is the TABOR Amendament, i.e., The Tax Payers' Bill of Rights?
In this form of government, the elected council hires a professional manager, who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the government.
What is the council/manager form of government?
This allows a public policy making body to exclude any individuals who are not part of the group for the purpose of discussing sensitive issues such as personnel or early negotiations in contracting.
What is an executive session?
This person developed the first birth control pill and contributed to women's increased presence in the work place.
Who is Gregory Pincus?
These organizations bring together representatives of numerous local jurisdictions to facilitate regional planning.
What are Councils of Governments?
This Colorado Amendment requires of vote of the people who live in the area before annexation can be completed.
What is the Poundstone Amendment (1974)?
These terms signify that a community will contract for a service versus having government employees perform the task.
What is privatization versus in-house?
The cash that is required for a particular time period, usually one year, to cover the repayment of interest and principal on a debt.
What is debt service?