The Media
Political Parties
Election Process
Voting and other Rights

In 1898, newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst stated to a reporter, “You furnish the pictures; I’ll furnish the war.” This quotation illustrates the

  1. control of the government over the content of newspapers

  2. ability of wealthy people to finance military initiatives

  3. influential role of the press in affecting public opinion

  4. desire of the press to adopt self-imposed limits on reporting

influential role of the press in affecting public opinion


Which of the following statements is NOT true about Gerrymandering and redistricting during elections?

  1. The goal of redistricting is to ensure equal representation based on population changes, while gerrymandering can dilute the voting power of certain groups. 

  2. Gerrymandering is a type of redistricting. 

  3. Redistricting occurs every 20 years after the census. 

  4. Redistricting is a standard and necessary process to reflect population shifts while gerrymandering undermines democratic principles. 

Redistricting occurs every 20 years after the census.


The purpose of political party primary elections is to

  1. assure that black citizens are guaranteed their civil rights

  2. ensure that Presidents of the United States stay within their constitutional powers

  3. prevent the Federal Government from taking power away from the states

  4. give citizens more direct control over the selection of candidates

give citizens more direct control over the selection of candidates


A primary reason for the passage of the 14th amendment in 1868 was to

  1. prohibit the secession of states

  2. uphold the legality of the Black Codes

  3. continue the presidential plan for Reconstruction

  4. guarantee citizenship rights to the newly freed slaves

guarantee citizenship rights to the newly freed slaves


Which is a current limitation to being an eligible voter?

  1. wealth

  2. age

  3. ethnicity 

  4. education



The mass media is sometimes referred to as the fourth branch of the government because it

  1. endorses all governmental policies

  2. influences public opinion

  3. is a powerful federal agency

  4. is paid for with federal taxes

influences public opinion

  1. The major role of political parties in the United States is to

    1. protect the American public from corrupt public officials

    2. insure that free and honest elections are held

    3. nominate candidates for public office and conduct campaigns

    4. meet constitutional requirements for choosing the President

nominate candidates for public office and conduct campaigns


A United States Presidential candidate can receive a majority of the popular vote but fail to be elected. This fact could be used to justify the

  1. establishment of one nationwide primary election

  2. formation of a coalition system of government

  3. abolition of the two-term limitation on the Presidency

  4. abolition of the electoral college system

abolition of the electoral college system


Which protection guaranteed by the first amendment to the United States Constitution was influenced by the trial of John Peter Zenger (1735)?

  1. freedom of the press

  2. freedom of religion

  3. right to assemble

  4. right to petition

freedom of the press

  1. Which of the following is NOT an example of a civic duty for citizens living in the US?

    1. Obeying the laws  

    2. Staying informed of the issues affecting your community

    3. Males 18 and older registered for selective service

    4. An individual's right to private property

An individual's right to private property


Name a role that the MEDIA plays. 

- 4th estate

- Watchdog

- Investigation


Name a political party that has shaped the two-party system. 

● Democrat- Republican Party 

● Federalist Party 

● Whig Party 

● Democrat Party 

● Republican Party


It is said that the citizens of the United States elect the president. In reality, what body casts the official vote?

  1. the Supreme Court

  2. the Congress

  3. the Electoral College

  4. the Republican and Democratic Parties

the Electoral College


Which of the following is NOT true about voting before the 15th Amendment was passed?

  1. Women could vote.

  2. No one under the age of 21 could vote.

  3. Men had to own a certain amount of land to vote.

  4. Members of Parliament believed they “virtually represented” anyone who couldn’t vote for them.

women could vote


True or False. While responsibilities are things people do to be good citizens, their civic duties ensure that the democratic values written into a nation’s constitution are upheld 



An example of this rule is that each candidate should get an equal amount of time to speak. 

The Equal Time Rule 


Which is NOT a characteristic of the two-party system?

A. Plenty of choice in parties  

B. Power passes back and forth 

C. Absence of proportional representation 

D. Prevents fringe parties gaining power

A. Plenty of choice in parties


In 1998, California had forty-five representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives while Louisiana had seven. What accounts for the difference in these numbers?

  1. area of the states

  2. population of the states

  3. numbers of counties or parishes in the states

  4. wealth of the states

population of the states


Which was the first state to give women the right to vote?

  1. Florida 

  2. New Hampshire 

  3. Wyoming

  4. Rhode Island 



Name a civic duty. 

Citizen duties 

● Obeying the law 

● Paying taxes 

● Serving on a jury when summoned 

● Registering with the Selective Service


Name an example of a responsibility the media has to the public. 

- Keep public informed 

- Report fact-based, unbiased information 

- Keep executive branch officials attuned to the public's major concerns 

- Enables government officials to convey messages to the general public


A party platform is a set of principles, goals, and strategies designed to address pressing political issues. Declarations that speak to each specific issue is called a __________. 

political plank


This is held in the summer of a presidential election year. Presidential and vice presidential candidates are selected and a party platform is announced.

  1. General election 

  2. National convention 

  3. Mid term election

  4. Political party

National convention


The Amendments weren’t enforced. States and counties created voting laws and qualifications that were impossible. All of the following except _______ was put in place to suppress the non-white vote?

  1. Literacy tests 

  2. Poll taxes

  3. Grandfather clause 

  4. Transportation to voting polls

Transportation to voting polls


Name  civic privilege. 

Citizen privileges 

● Voting 

● Individual rights 

● Private property