The council for the congregation
What is the session? (3.0201)
The council serving as a corporate expression of the church within a certain district and is composed of all the congregations and ministers of the Word and Sacrament within the district.
What is a presbytery? (G-3.0301)
The intermediate council serving as a corporate expression of the church throughout its region.
What is a synod? (G-3.0401)
Overseeing the work of synods.
What is a responsibility of the GA? (G-3.0502)
Provide that the Word of God may be truly preached and heard, provide that the Sacraments may be rightly administered and received, nurture the covenant community of disciples of Christ. (3.0201)
What are the responsibilities and powers of the session?
Control the location of new congregations and of congregations desiring to move as well as to divide, dismiss, or dissolve congregations in consultation with their members.
What can a presbytery do? (G-3.0303)
Not fewer than three presbyteries within a specific geographical region.
What does a synod consist of? (G-3.0401)
The council of the whole church that represents the unity of the synods, presbyteries, sessions, and congregations of the PC(USA).
What is General Assembly? (G-3.0501)
_______ are nominated to presbytery and can be considered as commissioners to synod and GA
Who are Ruling Elders? (G-3.0202)
Twice a year.
How often shall presbyteries hold stated meetings? (G-3.0304)
Supporting the presbyteries within its bounds.
What is the responsibility of the synod? (G-3.0403)
Every other year.
How often does GA meet? (G-3.0503)
This happens when the moderator requests it or gets a request in writing by any two members of the session.
What is a special meeting? (G-3.0203)
_______ serve as this (3 things) to its Ministers of Word and Sacrament and congregations.
Who serves as a pastor, counselor, and advisor? (G-3.0307)
Every other year.
How often shall the synod hold its stated meetings? (G-3.0405)
100 commissioners, 50 of whom shall be REs and 50 ministers of the Word and Sacrament, representing presbyteries of at least ΒΌ of its synods
What is a quorum of the GA? (G-3.0503)
A list of baptisms authorized by session, of REs and deacons, of installed pastors with dates of service, and other items.
What is a register? (G-3.0204b)
10 duly constituted sessions and 10 ministers of Word and Sacrament (unless an exception is approved by synod and GA).
What is the minimum composition of a presbytery? (G-3.0301)
An equal number of REs and ministers representing at least 3 presbyteries, or 1/3 of its presbyteries, whichever is larger.
What is required for a synod quorum? (G-3.0405)
7 REs and 7 Ministers of the Word and Sacrament.
How many commissioners of a presbytery with 48,001+ members are sent to GA?