Employment Procedures
I am a Counselor!
Types of Harassment
Weather/Buildings/OOPs My Bad!
What's the Policy?

I'm Sick and need to be out of work. How many days can camp pay for?

What is 3 days of paid sick time?


My 2 campers have not been listening all period. I have an idea! They don't get desert at dinner tonight.

Is this a true form of behavior management?

What is FALSE!

We cannot deny food as a punishment in any form.


Aggressive pressure or intimidation in a supervisary role.

What is Work place Harassment? 


My family just got a brand new kitten and it can only sleep if it sleeps with me. I'm going to bring it and keep it in my cabin's counselor room. That's a great place for it, right?

What is False?

Summer camp staff members are not allowed to have pets of any kind at camp.


I'm not at the waterfront and I'm still wearing my 

flip-flops. That's fine, right?

What is False?

You can only wear open-toed shoes while at the beach of waterfront. Even going boating you must wear closed-toed shoes. This is to prevent injury to your feet on camp.


Yay! It's my day off. What time can I leave and when do I need to return?  

What is 8am-12am


I love goin on my PO. I'm chilling with one of the JC's in my village and we're going to go smoke in woods. Thats cool though we wont get caught. Even if we do I'm of age I'm good right?

What is False!

Senior counseling staff (21 and over): Smoking and vaping is inconsistent with the healthful behavior expected of all staff. It is strongly discouraged and limited to very restricted times and places. Smoking is limited to periods off and after campers have gone to sleep and can only be done in the designated areas. Smoking and vaping is NOT permitted during Rest Hour. No camper should be aware that any staff member is a smoker or vaper. Smoking and vaping will not be tolerated in the presence of campers, in any camp buildings, or where the rights of non-smokers are infringed. Vaping may only take place in designated areas, not in buildings or villages. Any staff member found violating these policies may result in immediate termination.

Counseling staff (under 21 years of age): Smoking by Counselors under 21 years old is strictly forbidden and may result in immediate termination.


I just sent an email with the funniest joke about Jewish people to all my coworkers!

What is Written harassment?


We got an all clear because of this time frame.

What is 30 minutes after the last crack of Thunder!


The kids are finally asleep me and my co are going to hang out in another village to do some grilling. We should be fine because the children are sleeping right?

What is False?

As a counselor, we do a "One in/One Out" rule for CQ. What that means is one counselor from every cabin stays in the lodge or at the fire pit checking the cabins every 15 minutes to make sure campers are all good.


I had such a great day off. I don't want this alcohol to go to waste. I'll keep it in my luggage in my cabin for the end of the session. That should be fine right?

What is False?

Having alcohol in lodging is a fireable offense. We are a dry camp once staff training begins. You cannot return to camp under the influence. As it says above having any form of alcohol in your living space or even in your vehicle (if you have one) is prohibited. Doing any of these things is a means to be dismissed from working at camp.


I love going on my PO and going on Insta or TIK TOK to see what my friends are doing out side of camp. I never post about my campers because they shouldn't be on my personal socials right?

What is True!

Employees may engage in social media activity during work time provided it is directly related to their work, approved by their manager, and does not identify or reference company clients, customers, or vendors without express permission.

The reason is

The use of photos, logos and videos, or audio recordings of Frost Valley YMCA programs are prohibited without express permission by Frost Valley YMCA. Please contact the Marketing Department with any requests.


Unwanted advances or flirtations

What is sexual harassment


The session is ending and I want to leave my mark on camp. Me and my friends are going to write our initials on the bed in sharpie. That'll be so cool right?

What is False?

Frost Valley does not tolerate graffiti, destruction, or defacing of any of our facilities. Graffiti or defacement of buildings and facilities can result in fines starting at $250 or more depending on damage. This is something we take seriously as we want our spaces to be enjoyable for all.


Being on camp is so great, but I hate this wristband. I'm cutting it off because everyone here knows me and knows I work here. That's fine, right?

What is False?

The wristband and name tags are apart of the general dress code as displayed below:

Employees are required to wear their name tags or wristbands, whichever is applicable, during working hours. Nametags are acquired through the Human Resources office. Wristbands are acquired at the Front Desk.

Along with: 

In certain circumstances, an employee’s job description may specify certain attire or equipment that is necessary to successfully perform job duties.

All staff and volunteers are required to maintain attire that is sturdy (durable) and cover the chest, midsection, and buttocks.

 No see-through/sheer/transparent clothing; clothing choices should be opaque

• Clothing should not include words or images that are suggestive (sexually explicit), political (endorsing a political party or candidate) or offensive writing (hate speech or imagery), profanity (curse words, obscene gestures), or references to drugs or alcohol.


Clean clothes are so great, especially the turnaround time! And I can drop off my laundry whenever I want right?

What is Laundry?

Laundry will be picked up from the village the night before and brought to housekeeping. Staff are responsible for picking it up at the end of the next day. Each village has a designated day, if you drop your laundry off not on your designated day, it will not get done.


I love working with Slide we can be so chill and say whatever/do whatever we want around them, they just get it, right?

What is False!

Profanity, inappropriate jokes, and sharing intimate details of one’s personal life in the presence of program participants is prohibited.

Refrain from public displays of affection in front of program participants as well.

Avoid physical contact. Note: be particularly cautious when putting on harnesses. Ask the participant to do it, or another adult. Only assist if invited, and if you are the only one that can assist.


Wearing clothing with offensive or vulgar language

Visual Harassment


The weather is changing. Lets bring everyone inside after this.

 What is the first sign of lightning or thunder.


It's my PO I'm going to sit under the Pavillion and use Wifi and my phone, even though there's an activity going on. That should be fine, right?

What is False?

There are appropriate spaces and times where WiFi will be available to all staff. Blum will be open this Summer and your PO is the first opportunity to take advantage of WiFI as well as relax. If you are not sitting CQ Blum is always an option as well as the dining hall for WiFi. Those are the only appropriate times when using WiFi.

Also, the phone policy is:

There are pay phones in 2 locations:

Staff is allowed to use the pay phones located in front of the administration building and in the foyer of the dining hall during times when campers are not present, such as CQ or Holdover Weekends. Phone use is allowed only during periods off and evenings during evening supervision (CQ). Do not use any phones, for personal use, where campers can see you (i.e. Dining Hall phones). Staff is not permitted to receive or make phone calls during meals. Campers should not use these or any other phone at any time.


I'm so happy to be on the lacrosse team back home I can't wait to bring all my lacrosse equipment to teach the children.

What is all sports equipment used on camp must be provided by the camp!


Staff use of equipment and supplies is a privilege rather than a right. Each department head will determine if staff can use equipment and supplies.

Staff must use Frost Valley YMCA property while conducting programs that require sporting equipment. We do not allow staff to use personal sports equipment while conducting programming.


2 counselors have gone to the bathroom with one child and another is on their PO I now have 2 Rocky cabins alone with me at Big Tree for about 10 minutes, but that's fine, right?

What is False.

Ratios for ages 7 and younger on camp are 1:8

For 8 and older is 1:10

At activities ratios are 1:6

And the Rule of 3 is always a constant


Sexually suggestive facial expressions

Physical Harassment


My co keeps sleeping in past morning meeting and they take 2 hour PO's. They've been spoken to already but nothing's been done. I think they may get dismissed because of it. That's the only choice at this point, right?

What is  True?

The camp administrative staff reserves the right to terminate the staff agreement for such reasons as Frost Valley YMCA or the Director of Camping may deem necessary, including but not limited to just and sufficient cause for unsatisfactory performance, inappropriate personal conduct on or off camp grounds, or due to early termination of the camp season and/ or retrenchment due to a decrease in anticipated enrollment. All employment at Frost Valley YMCA is “at-will,” which means employees may be terminated at any time for any reason, with or without cause or notice to the employee. In such instances staff will be paid on a prorated basis for the term of actual employment.


This Summer I'm so happy because I'm a senior counselor and my boyfriend is coming to camp, but he's a CIT. We'll be fine because we're only 2 years apart.

What is False?

Staff members are prohibited from having romantic, social, and/or physical relationships with campers, including those in training roles (CiTs/AiTs/FiTs/WiTs and Volunteers). Staff members that are supervising other staff members are prohibited from having romantic, social, and/or physical relationships with junior staff (staff under 18). Frost Valley YMCA strongly discourages anyone in a supervisory role from having romantic, social, and/or physical relationships with staff they oversee.